
Is this rape and would you report it?

by  |  earlier

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If your boyfriend or husband whom you've already slept with many times already, forced themselves in you while you're saying "no" because you have a headache or something, would you report him? I know most of you will say "no means no" but would there be exceptions for you? And I don't mean that he would beat you or anything, just maybe held you firmly and you didn't cry. And no, I did not do this, nor would I ever. Beg, maybe, but never force...unless we're role playing :D




  1. Just get mad, that's all.

  2. idk how i would react, i'd kick his butt bc there would be no forcing it in me, but my hubby would never disrespect me like that, he loves me more then his sexual drive to do something that would hurt me emotionally/physically. If it did happen i don't think i'd feel raped maybe bc i can't fathom my hubby treating me that way, If he did though he would never do it again i can tell ya that much.

  3. you can report it if you want. it's call date rape.

    if he is your bf, you should dump him.

    ih he is you husband, you should worry allot and be really carefull cuz he could get more violent.

    report if it's your bf.

    be really carefull if it;s your husband.

    cout that as 2 strikes against him.

    one more simillar action, divorce him.

    it's for your own safety!!

  4. Raped.  

  5. yaaa id go ballistic on hiss asss.

  6. i depends how forceful he was but if he thinks he can help himself when ever he wants that is rape. tell him how upset you are and that he should never do that again if he does do it again report him you are not a toy and deserve some respect

  7. I'd be pist as h**l...but maybe not report them. If they do it again...really go for defending yourself-hit, scream, bite, KICK, nudge--then tell them you really meant no--tell him if he said no that you would respect it--what if you wanted to give him a haircut and he said no and you tied him down and ran the electric shaver around his head? Would he like that?

  8. Nah - I wouldn't think it was rape just because I had a headache.  I'd be a bit pissed off, but not rape.

  9. if you held her down...yeah thats rape...if she really DIDNT want it..and didnt enjoy it at all.

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