
Is this real? Unbiased media from a source other then Fox News?

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  1. FOX is the only news media I'm aware of that shows both sides of politics.

  2. Fox ? Fair and balanced ? You are hilarious, my friend

  3. Hmmm, this is an editorial that I agree with and I believe is biased.

  4. Fox news is generally seen as the absolute truth by very narrow minded and uneducated people.  I feel that people are so afraid to confront the truth in this country.  As a result we allow others to define the truths for us.  If the United States as a whole would stop hating ourselves and believed in the future and had pride and ownership in what we do I believe that would help the overall health of our country.  

    Fox news prays on our insecurities to subtly push an agenda that is beneficial for Fox news, Mr. Murdoch, and most of corporate America.  I know someone full of hatred will disagree with me and try to make me feel stupid.  That is okay because I understand why we do that.  The United States collectively is so afraid to be wrong that we will are unable to confront the truths that we are failing ourselves, our country and our future generations.  So I pray that someday a majority of people will become thoroughly honest with themselves, and believe that if they work hard and work towards goodness that we shall overcome the REAL difficulties that Americans face.  

    So please people lets work together towards common goals and lets hold the people who run the country accountable for the decay of our institutions.  Lets do the best we can in all we do.  Lets bring our troops home for the sake of peace because it is right.  Lets pick ourselves up and hold the wealthiest people (including corporations) accountable for their role in society, and tax excessive wealth for the benefit of everyone as a whole.  Lets rebuild our institutions and move in the right direction.  For this I pray and would die for at anytime.  

    We are in this together.  We are all Americans and we have been lied to and we are afraid to admit it, so we hate as a result.  

    Lets learn to be honest so we can love again.  Lets bring hope back to the future generations for the sake of mankind.

  5. faux news is fair thats rich

    hey u want some ocenfront property in AZ

  6. Or could it be that your perception that the media are biased in favor of Obama was off base in the first place?

  7. It was my first reaction.

  8. just wait

    another cbs, nbc, or abc anchor will air imaginary s**t on mccain right before election

    obama=curious george  

  9. Fox Noise fair and balanced?  More like Slanted and Unbalanced.  Get real.  An opinion piece is not the same as an informative article.

  10. Jeez dude, you don't know what an 'ANALYSIS' piece is?  It is an OPINION piece by a columnist.  That is the trouble with FOX viewers, in general they cannot separate out opinion from reporting and therefore they see no problem with FOX when opinion is regularly mixed with news.  LOL! This is priceless,  look at what you cited again and maybe you will understand :)

  11. This is an editorial... It doesn't even try to disguise that... it is supposed to be a opinion.  Of course its biased... by nature, a editorial is supposed to be biased.  A news person can have opinions, some journalists are just commentators... as long as the piece is signed and is recognized as such I am okay with any journalist having an opinion.

    Can we come back to reality now?

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