
Is this really a true story?

by  |  earlier

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This is a bittersweet story but with such a weepie heart-wrenching ending. It's a story about a teen girl named Jenny Samson and her horse named Saviour and the story alleges that after her horse died Jenny committed suicide by hanging herself May 6th of this year. Does anyone in the UK know if this story is really true?




  1. i dont think it is true beacuse the person who posted it said they make up these stories for horse people to discover the reality and other incidents that could happen in the horse world. I think she made it up as an example that horses can change ppls life and they are worth dying for

  2. Google works in the UK too I am pretty sure.

  3. if you notice the horse that is brought out of the trailer and then the horses that are jumping, none of them have the same markings

    this story could possibly be based on a true one but i dont think that this is the same horse she owned or anything  

  4. this story just proves that what horses are to many of us is about their purity of spirit...they don't lie to us.  They respond to either our kindness and understanding, or to our ignorance and fear.  I have retrained horses to fill the "holes" in them from their past experiences....I often wonder, if I died and I wasn't there to be sure that the way I handle them would be consistent, would they choose  suicide rather than to be handled by trainers from their past?  Horses don't have that choice, we make their choices.  None of us can ever know why Jenny made the choice that she did, but we can learn about human nature from it, instead of judging it and trying to play God.  what Jenny did probably happened in a weak moment...and no one happened to be around to remind her of the temporary nature of her problems.  What a horrible tragedy.

  5. umm... idk. i wish i lived in the UK. i visited there once. i feel bad for the girl if it was true.

  6. Who knows...I just went through the comments for the video and this was by the maker of the video.:

    "skyandkit (2 weeks ago) Show Hide Marked as spam Reply Well alot of people have been asking me if its true or not. And im sorry for everyone that had had to loose, or put down or sell their horse. Im not revealing if this story was made up by me or not. :) "

    Some of tjhe comments said that the horse went to slaughter?  There was one other video made by this person as I did my "research" was about her pony named Colin..another mystery tear-jerker!!  One thing though OMG what a horrible rider ..if anyone ever thought they had contact problems..take a'll feel much better!!

    I hope they were fiction!!

  7. I don't live in the UK, but wow. I feel bad for that girl if that story is true.

  8. Just from watching the video, it looks like a made up story to me.  

  9. YOU watch to much youtube and need to get a life Why would you care if it is true or not? Its not about the truth, its about how much we get attached to the horses in our life. If you don't have anything to miss when it dies how will you know how you will feel.


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