
Is this really appropriate?

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In my country, Indonesia, it is common to find an abundant amount of religious book. Some of them are about how great Islam is and how to communicate it to other people.

Lately, the book have becoming more aggressive, both in marketing and the contents. The title have becoming more provocative as well. This provocative theme is titled things like "How to convert a Christian into Islam", "The end of a faith of a priest (And how you can make more priests join Islam)", or even "The punishment for all Christians in the Muslim point of view".

At first, it was just a chapter in a book. And then it grows to pocket books, and today it has become a full hundreds of pages books. What's surprising, is that these books (I have read about 4 of them), are all related to Christianity. It's never about Buddhist or Hindu or anything else, just Christian. There was even a book on how to alienate Christians and how to "polite and slowly" get rid of them from the neighborhood.

I found these books sickening. But unfortunately, this book sell a lot too. So, what do you think about these kind of book? Do you agree about it?




  1. Satan has no reason to convert people from one false religion into another.  Satan is only out to destroy the Christians.

  2. Never heard of those types of books. I guess they're for the "non-peaceful" Islamics. Considering Christianity is really Islam's biggest competitor for converts, I'm not terribly surprised that they would target us.

  3. Hi Uki...

    Salam alaikum..

    I live in Singapore which is multi faith and I can tell you that Islam is on the defensive now because Christians are on the attack.

    Many Muslim countries such as your own also Turkey, Dubai, Kuwait and Malaysia all have many Evangelical Christian churches proseletyzing their faith and actively seeking to convert Muslims.

    You may be familiar with the case in Malaysia this year where are Muslim was not allowed to convert to Christianity,

    What your seeing is a natural reaction in Literature.

    My take on this is ... so long as people are following a Theist moral code and applying it to their life every day then the world will  be a better place.

    Love and Peace ...

  4. Religion promotes tribalism.  All these people claiming some sort of fundamentally different "truth".

    It's laughable except where it's very serious.

    Couple this with religions ability to confound one's rational and moral judgment and you get;

    "When you can convince a man to believe absurdities, you can convince him to commit atrocities."

    I think that was Voltaire (badly paraphrased).

    The sooner people stop pretending to have "truth" and start actually seeking it the sooner we'll make progress.

  5. Islam IS the Anti-Christ.

    We MUST resist.

  6. I think there's a strong anti-Christ faction amongst the Muslim religion. I am NOT saying that all Muslims are anti-Christ. (Notice I say "faction"). I think this needs close scrutiny by those of us who follow Christ, as well as a deep strengthening of our faith in him.

  7. I guess Im not surprised...

    The bible said we (Christians) will be persecuted for His (Jesus's) names sake.

    Scary and sickening.  

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