In my country, Indonesia, it is common to find an abundant amount of religious book. Some of them are about how great Islam is and how to communicate it to other people.
Lately, the book have becoming more aggressive, both in marketing and the contents. The title have becoming more provocative as well. This provocative theme is titled things like "How to convert a Christian into Islam", "The end of a faith of a priest (And how you can make more priests join Islam)", or even "The punishment for all Christians in the Muslim point of view".
At first, it was just a chapter in a book. And then it grows to pocket books, and today it has become a full hundreds of pages books. What's surprising, is that these books (I have read about 4 of them), are all related to Christianity. It's never about Buddhist or Hindu or anything else, just Christian. There was even a book on how to alienate Christians and how to "polite and slowly" get rid of them from the neighborhood.
I found these books sickening. But unfortunately, this book sell a lot too. So, what do you think about these kind of book? Do you agree about it?