
Is this really bad!?

by  |  earlier

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i am going out with my best friends ex!!!

i really liked him before but i made myself not like him when they were going out.... like a month or 2 after they broke up he asked me out... i said yes and everyday she says shes not mad but she does give me a list of all the reasons i should break up with him things that she had a problem with when they were dating its really annoying!!! IS SHE RIGHT??!




  1. First of all, if she knew that you liked him to begin with, she shouldn't have dated him. SO, she shouldn't have a problem with you dating him.  Just because she has so many reasons for not dating him, doesn't mean you will have these same problems with him.  YOU are a completely different person.  Are these things you have a problem with him now?  She needs to back off.  Another person's trash is another persons' treasure.  My current lovely boyfriend, used to get into horrible arguments with his ex and they sound like they had the same type of arguments me and my exes had.  But when me and my current bf are together...He doesn't get to me like my exes did and he does things just right.  I don't yell at him or get on him about things his exes did or how I use to with my ex.  Like I said, another persons trash is another persons treasure.  

    These issues that she has with him, are they issues YOU have with him?  If they aren't, then you need to tell her to butt the h**l out and that you don't have those problems with him.  If she is truly your friend she will want you to be happy, and stay happy and now all that she is doing, is meddling and interfering in YOUR relationship.

  2. if shes giving you a list of reasons why you should break up with him shes probably either jealous or hes a jerk and shes just trying to protect you. dont ask her if shes mad at you of course like most best friends there gonna say no. just ask her if hes like a jerk or like stuff on the "list".  

  3. Uhm, is he doing the same things with you? lol

    That should be something to evaluate on.

    If she's not mad, so believe her. They obviously broke up for a reason.

    Now it's your turn to see why.

    She could be right, he's done it before and might still have the same habits.

    If you see him without the things she's told you, then don't worry about it.  
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