
Is this really bad??

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Im 14, and usually every night I stay up till 3-4am doing... nothing, playing video game, or on the computer. Then I wake up at 1-2pm.

Is this really bad?




  1. nah man, I do it all the time, im thirteen.

  2. it is real bad!!

  3. In this age this is really very bad,

    You have to focus more to build your carrier and for good health you need sleep on time, so playing games is not bad idea, but change your time.So you get comfortable when your school start and you never feel lazy once your school start.

    Play all games on day time take good sleep at night time.

  4. ummm, everyone is going to think your a lazy bum if you sleep that late, if i was your mother i would pound you with a bat until you woke up.I would let you stay up as late as you wanted as long as you got up on time

  5. when u start school or get a job it will be so u better repair the damage now! the earlier the better!

  6. Of course it's bad to go bed when it is already dawn

    ...Life should be under discipline neither u'll suffer when u'll grow older.

    Take care

  7. I'm 15 and i do the same.

    It's not bad.

    It's just hard to get back into the routine afterwards.

  8. no just take a little break  do somthing else  

  9. its not bad but when school start youll be owned cuz you wont be able to adjust you waking up at 8:00 id start trying to so to sleep at like 12-1 now instead of at 1

  10. no unless you want to grow yes, the time 10pm-2 am are the times where your hormones act the most so you grow the most that time while u sleep, like say, if you go to sleep at 12, u get 2 hours of growing time, sleep at 11, 3 hours of growing time and etc. u will still grow if u sleep at other tiems but not as much as those 4 hours

  11. i had that kind of sleeping habit throughout the whole summer and when i went for a body checkup i had all these problems! i had some problems before but they got worse... for example, my anemia got worse the doctor said i was straining my heart.  

  12. yes it is bad and very unsociable.

    we are not nocturnal by nature. in the long term your body will resent the abuse. where are your parents to allow such behaviour?


  13. NOP.  

    Can't be worst than if U were working the night shift.

    Some people like working nights & sleeping days.

    It's call life, is all.

    But I somewhat think U should try 2 get a little bite of a life though.

    Good luck with that 1 dude.


  14. yes it is really bad when u get a job it will suck  

  15. no it is not...

  16. its bad in many ways...

    playing video games is a waste of time and of money.

    and u will no socialize u will stau at home..

    harm ur eyes

    not play OUTSIDE..u know sports under the sun(football,baseball..etc)

    u sleep at 3-4 and u wake up aroud night there's a hormone that is secreted when u sleep .. its only secreted at night ehich mean that sleeping at night is healthier than sleeping in the day

    u will also have black pockets under ur eyes that an be seen when ur aboe 20s

  17. Try to get into a routine. Set your alarm for 7 or 8 am & don't sleep till bed time.

    Get into that routine, & stick to it.
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