
Is this really done by a ghost...?

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  1. OK the camera is off you can come out of the closet now.

    Good for you for not dismissing the possibility of ghostly activity based on your beliefs and preconceived notions as the debunkers on YA do in their support of suppressing learning, knowledge and the advancement of science.

    However, one should always eliminate normal explanations first in any investigation or research this could have been accomplished in this investigation by taking the difficult step of opening the door with the video camera still recording.

  2. Looks very very fishy to me. Any one could have been inside the closet. Also, whenever I see credits and hear fancy music as background I grow skeptical.

  3. Sorry, but I'm not going to just trust these guys.  This video could have been staged.  It's possible there is another explanation for the door opening and closing.  Even if there isn't a readily available explanation, who's to say a ghost is causing it?

    If I were the photographer I certainly wouldn't want my name in the credits.

  4. Could be but I would feel better if i could see the whole door and had better quality.  So easy to fake this with a piece of fishing line.

  5. I'd like to think that since this is done by and investigation group, it's legit...on the other hand, the investigator in frame near the closet door doesn't seem too reactive when the door closes.  I wish we could hear the actual audio instead of the dramatic music.

  6. Since the viewer is not able to see the bottom of the door it's hard to believe this is being done by a ghost. There is most likely something controlling the door's movements from the bottom.

  7. Even though they have a clever acronym for thier group, and a nice story about the house and clearly state at the beginning that it is not fake.........its probably a fake.

    Afterall, they claimed the Blair Witch Project was real, and it wasnt. They claimed the Texas Chainsaw Massacre was real, and it wasnt.

    Just because someone says something is real, does not exclude the possibility that they are lying.

  8. I actually think there would of been some kind of reaction ftrom the guy near the door~ if you watch he does not bat an eyelid.

  9. Why believe it was done by a ghost when there are far more probable natural explanations? Secondly, why believe anything on youtube?

  10. Are you serious, of course its fake.  I think.

  11. Was there anyone on the otherside of the door we could question ?

    Ryan ~Paranormal Investigator/Researcher~

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