
Is this really fair of my parents?

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I am currently 15 years old and have a job....I don't make much money but when my parents need it they always take the money I earned to buy take out food or gas when they don't have the money. They say they will pay me back but they never do. If I earned the money is it fair if take it from me? I mean I really can't say much to them, they are my parents after all.




  1. I think that they shouldn't take your money. you earned it. the only time they take some is to save money for college.

  2. I don't think it's fair of your parents to do so. You worked for that money and it should be all yours.  

  3. Not really if they don't pay you back when they said they would.

  4. Do what Aaron Carter did and divorce your parents, then they can't get your money.

  5. Stand up to them and tell them its your money that you earned, they have no right to take it

  6. nope, not fair.

    tell them.

  7. today we live in hard time maybe parents need the money so help them out .

  8. That isnt fair

    its your money,

    you earned it .

    Dont give it to them

  9. no its not at all fair and alotta ppl are gonna say some "there your parents they brought u in2 this world its the least you can do" c**p but what would they say if u did it 2 them

  10. Your parents should be responsible for their own debts and actions. If they say they are going to pay you back, then they need to pay you back when they say they are. It's your money and your in control of it. Just because they are your parents doesn't mean they are entitled to your income. Your a minor in the household and it's their responsibility to take care of you. If they pay their bills and just short of money I understand, but if they don't pay their bills and spend it foolishly by gambling or drinking it away, I would have a serious problem with it. Talk with a grandparent about what's going on and what they would suggest that you do. Your parents need to be honest with you about the money and when they are suppose to pay you back. If you can't trust your parents, who can you trust. Don't let them use you for their own stupid actions that they brought upon themselves. They need to grow up and be adults !!!

  11. I would explain to them what you just said if they have there needs and they take your money to eat out not so cool .Tell them in a nice way you are trying to be more responsible and they should honor that .Good Luck to you .

  12. OMG, i know exactly how you feel!!! my family does the same thing! I really hate lying to my family, or anyone in general so i usually end up giving them the money. But sometimes when I really don't want to give it to them, I do lie and tell them i don't have any left and I make up an exuse like "me and some friends went to the mall and I bought everyone lunch."   I always ask god to forgive me after  I tell a lie.  

  13. do you know how bad the economy is right now, oh course right now you're living with your parents, and theyre probably in a tough spot so if i were you i would actually try to help them, theyre probably trying to pay the bill so you don't end up on the happens you know

  14. its not "fair", but life isnt fair

    your parents might actually NEED to money to get thru another week... be happy you can help out for now

  15. Well i mean, they're paying for the roof over your head and the food you eat and the rest of your stuff, I assume (unless you're living on your own already).  So yeah, i think it's fair.  

  16. they paid for everything for 15 for you right. Imagine they asking you back the money they spent on you for 15 years. And they aren't stealing from you right? Its your job to help them in any way if their economical position is weak.

    If they have plentyfull of money but use your dough as cookie jar just becoz they are lazy then its not fair at all.

    I dont know details so i cant judge......

  17. I wouldn't like it, but there's nothing you can do (just hide a little money on the side so you will always have it there when you need it).

    If they don't have the money for gas and takeout, then consider yourself an important part of the family.  You all live under one roof and you all pitch in where you can.  You are helping out... they must have spent lots of money over the years on you, just consider it a little payback.  Yes, it's way early for that, and you have every right to feel the way you do...but don't make a big deal about it.  Just make sure you put some away for you before they get to it!

  18. No this isnt fair. My mother did me the same way she use to steal from me, borrow money and never pay it back all because she was my mother. Its not fair, you worked for that its yours the least they can do is ask.

  19. It really doesn't seem fair.  Since they are your parents, however, you are pretty well stuck with it.  It is possible that you can talk to your boss about making a direct deposit to your own bank account with every pay check.  If that won't work, you could have a set amount of each paycheck go into a savings account with the remainder issued to you in check form.  Good luck kiddo, that is a bummer for sure.

  20. No that isn't fair at all. Your parents shouldn't even ask you for money. They are grown adults whereas you are 15. And just because they are your parents doesn't mean anything. They have jobs. Next time they ask you for money, tell them you won't give any to them until they pay off their debt to you.

  21. If they don't pay you back it's not right.That's your money,even though you're their child and they've paid for plenty of thing for you over the years,It's their obligation to take care of the family not you.My parents aren't what I'd refer to as well off either and my older brother(who lives at home)spends at least a hundred a month on frivolous things.It would be nice if you contributed when they NEED it not when they just want something.

  22. I would say no, it's not fair. And you're right there's not much you can say.  What I did is hide my money. It is your money after all, you don't have to let them use it. And just because they pay for you to live there doesn't make it fair, they are your parents, you didn't choose to be here they should be paying for that in my opinion.

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