
Is this really my "best friend"?

by  |  earlier

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We've been through fight after fight. and i don't know if this friendship is really a friendship at all.

does your best friend call you stupid constantly, and when you tell them to stop because you don't like it. they continue to do it over and over again.

does your best friend talk about people you care about or people you thought you cared about at the moment.

Is it alright for her to put you down and tell you that your stupid because you may like a guy.

is it rite that your best friend can't be happy for you when happy, but happy for you when your sad because you know its what she wanted.

Is it alright for her to call you a s**t once in a while, because she feels like it.

we have had our good times as friends and she is a great friend(at times), but i don't know if its worth it to keep a friend that makes me feel so bad about myself all the time.




  1. Darling, don't let her put you down, you're so much better than that. She's just saying these things because she feels insecure about herself.

    Don't waste your time on her, you don't deserve that x

  2. I say that you should chose for yourself.

    But maybe they are just joking around with you.

    Most likely they are...

    I've been in a similar situation.

    Friends joke around with one another...its upto you if you want to take the joke offensively or not.

    idk what to tell you

    its your choice.

    but make it fast.

    & think about it.

    if you think its going to ruin your friendship and about the disadvantages as well.

  3. i was in this exact situation not too long ago. i had a friend for 6 years who constantly put me down and hurt my feelings, but at the same time she could also be a good friend, and i needed to have her around me. i ended this exact friendship about 4 months ago, because i cam eto the decision that she was a weight on my shoulders and that she manipulated me into staying friends with her. if this is best for you, maybe you should do this to. BUT, (and i feel that perhaps i could have tried this) something you can do for sake of the friendship, is give her one final warning. tell her ALL that you feel and leave nothing out, and make it clear that if she doesn't treat you better, you are DONE. and don't turn back.

    usually people who put others down are insecure themselves, and you don't need to be around that negativity. maybe when your friend is left with no one and nothing, they'll wisen up and try to straighten themselves out. but for now, do what's best for you. you'll survive in the end and so will your friend.

  4. G O O D B Y E ! ! !

  5. sounds like majority of the time you feel crappy... and you feel that way bc of what she is saying to you. friends can joke but not intentionally hurt she should see how her words are affecting you then stop. to me that is what a real friend would do. if you want to keep the friendship let her know how you feel and see how she responds. or end it now and spare your own feelings.

  6. thats not freindship thats abuse since u dont like it and they continue

  7. She doesnt seem like a true friend if she is doing that, you should ask her this stuff you just asked us.

    you deserve to find a friend who doesnt put you down, you deserve a friend who will bring you up!

    there are plenty of girls out there who deserve you as a friend, and ones you deserve as a friend

  8. i think that you know the answer to your one of your questions. definitely not your best friend.

    this happened to me. i had a friend that was great at times and terrible at others. when she is bad, just leave. dont spend extended amouunts of time with her. but when she is fun hang longer. it will make you feel better when you are not always with her.

  9. That doesn't sound like a real friend. She shouldn't be putting you down and should be happy for you when you're happy, not because you're sad.  

  10. No

    Gradually get away from her.

    I wouldnt let anyone call me a s**t, and remain friends with them. Youre better off with no friend than having her as one.



    A person whom one knows, likes, and trusts.

    Does she meet this definition ?

  11. people who are like this aren't always insecure.....they may be really like themselves......the latter case the more destructive.....

  12. Okay honestly. Shes not worth being Friends with.

    She seems like the type of person who is only your

    Friend to get stuff out of you and to hang out with you when she has nothing Else to do.

    what shes doing

    ISNT right. Just because she thinks you two are

    best friends doesn't mean it is. If she was truly your befriend she would feel good about herself when she

    puts you down. And she would always be there you

    when you need it. My befriend always is there for me.

    If you cant get into a deep conversation

    with her like about boys and drama and gossip,

    its completly not worth it.

  13. That person is not a friend.  You should feel good about being with a friend and you said that being with this "friend" makes you feel bad about yourself all the time.  A true friend is the opposite of all the things you mentioned here.  

    You may have been good friends at one point and it sucks that things have turned out this way, but with these kind of issues, it's hard to see this friendship lasting.  Talk to your friend about how she treats you...if she doesn't change or doesn't take responsibility for her actions, then it's time to let this friendship go.  Hope this helps.

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