
Is this really necessary?

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  1. You should try reading the Bible, it's a great book, and yes, it's necessary.

  2. They did not say that being offended by our prayer cards makes you un-American.  Why are atheists so sensitive?  Did anyone ever feed them to lions?  What are you asking, if the man's letter to Alaska Airlines was necessary, or if the prayer message was?  They always tell us to change the channel if we are offended, why not just throw the card away?  If I got a card trying to convince me to believe God doesn't exist, I wouldn't give it another thought.  Of course, if he is really offended, he can refuse to fly that airline again.  I'm going to fly them more, now that I know they are not afraid to make this gesture.

  3. I won't Kissthepilot but I agree with him completely.

  4. you know what, i completely agree with you. a professional business should not be getting involved with religion. as for all of you christians out there that have answered with the same bs: "just trying to be nice" or "why are you atheists so sensitive", how would you feel if you received a card from a business saying god wasn't real or a satanic verse (from satanists, not atheists or agnostic people). why are you all so closed minded? you say freedom of expression yet you only want freedom of expression for you, not for everyone else. why don't you see agnostic or atheist families on television? most are portrayed as christian. and yet you say you want freedom of expression? you get riled up when you receive something agnostic, atheist, or just non-christian in general, and yet you don't expect everyone else to feel the same way when they receive something that is against their beliefs? think before you answer!!! think before you act!!! and to the person who asked the question, I completely see your point of view and will neither fly nor work (pilot) for that airline.

  5. Really, how tender are your feelings?  Do you expect everyone to think exactly as you do?  Are you offended by SUV ads in your newspaper because you believe in hybrids?  Are you offended by pictures of salad and tofu in your grocery flyer if you are a meat eater?  Are you offended by Democrats if you are a Republican?  Should people and businesses not be allowed to talk about personal opinions or beliefs.  Not everyone has the same views in religion either.  Does that mean they can't talk about it?  Should we outlaw speech that is different?

    This is the cornerstone of freedom, to be able to express yourself, as a business or a person.  They are not forcing you to go to church, just trying to be nice.  If you don't agree, ignore it, just like I ignore things people or organizations say that I don't agree with.  It is not my place to say they can't think that way.

    Lighten Up.

  6. I'm glad they're not afraid to hand out prayer cards.  Our country needs more businesses/leaders like that.  Our country was founded on freedom of religion, but it was also founded on Christian beliefs.

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