
Is this really obsession?

by  |  earlier

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Alright. I've seen a part time actor, and I couldn't stop thinking about him since. Later on, I found out that he had a Facebook page, and, to make a long story short of this situation, I made the biggest mistake and told him I was obsessed with him(really stupid, I know). Now he wants nothing to do with me. Now I can't stop thinking about that mistake. What do you think I should do? Should I see a therapist? A psychologist? Or should I talk to the guy myself?




  1. The idea that someone is obsessed is quite disconcerting to say the least.  People think "stalker!" when they hear the word.  So, hence this guys reaction.  Back way off, the harm is done.

    But, about you.  Do you really think the word obsessed applies to the way you feel about this guy or were you lacking for a better word.

    I think you were just sort of caught up in the "he's a star" mentality.  Don't be so hard on yourself.

  2. The best thing is to let it go. What I love to do when I make dumb mistakes is that I try to think about it over and over and over again until it gets old and then pretend it never happened.

    I literally pretend I never had anything to do with anything and eventually thinks will muttle over. It will always be awkward so I suggest you let it go and don't address him. I made the same mistake once and time healed things. Give it lots and lots of time.  

  3. Having already 'scared the guy himself', do you actually thing that he is going to allow you to talk with him ~ given that you've used the word 'Obsessed'?

    If you are 'obsessed' ~ and I'm not personally sure that the word is the right one (and may well be!), then talking with a counsellor / therapist may well be a good idea.

    Do back off from someone who really does NOT want to know. It's safer for all concerned ....and Good luck.


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