
Is this really the other side of Barack Hussein Obama?

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Please clarify if these are truly the other side of Barack that they don't want us to know about.

# How Obama’s friendship with the Reverend Jeremiah Wright was no accident, but a carefully thought-out personal and political decision

# The inside story of Obama's association with terrorist Bill Ayers wouldn’t matter — an exposé of the insular radical chic of Chicago's Hyde Park politics

# The real story of Obama as a puppet of Mayor Daley's corrupt Chicago political machine

# What Obama really did for convicted developer Tony Rezko

# Debunking the myth of Obama’s "new" politics: how Obama won his first election by throwing all of his competitors off the ballot

# The new 'Dirty Politics': how underhanded politics sabotaged Obama's opponents in his 2004 Senate race

# A story Obama would like to stay buried in Chicago: how he used his clout as a U.S. senator to save the corrupt Cook County Political Machine when reformers of both parties tried to challenge the entrenched political bosses

# How Barack Obama opposed a bill banning infanticide-by-neglect — a stance too extreme even for Nancy Pelosi. (Freddoso has an exclusive interview with the nurse central to the case.)

# Why the National Abortion Rights Action League says Obama is the most pro-abortion candidate they have ever backed

# How Obama has repeatedly steered taxpayer money to campaign donors




  1. "Che Guevara, Castro's brutal henchman"???

    Che Guevara may have been incredibly strict, but he was a humanitarian who attempted to help people all around the world.  And he and Castro were friends, he wasn't some slavering toadie.

  2. R&S, I love all your questions . People are to stupid to open their eyes until it's too late. I will never vote for an extremist  liar full of hot air

  3. I believe that is correct.  

  4. There's only one reason why, what with his strong oratory skills and having the entire mainstream media as his own press organ, that B. Hussein Obama isn't ahead by 20 or 30 points in the polls. It's because, even if most Americans aren't aware of the above facts, deep in their gut they sense that there's something about the guy that isn't right.

    He wants to be our next Woodrow Wilson, an elitist Progressive who had members of his American Protective League goons terrorize citizens (Obama's Public Allies will fit the bill); who set up the first Western propoganda ministry (Obama has the press already on his side); who passed laws against political dissidents (sure to come); passed laws against personal behavior (wait for those federal laws against fast food); and brought industry under the government's heel (already stated as a goal in Obama's recent speech).

    And yes, Wilson was also a Democrat.

  5. all politicians have skeleton's in their closet. They wouldn't be where they are if they didn't play the game.

    The question is who is better for the country, McCain or Obama? And I think it is Obama.

    Foreign policy alone is enough for me to vote for Obama. McCain is a crazy man when it comes to foreign policy. He'll keep us in Iraq, bomb Iran and have us in a conflict with Russia in no time.  Remember him saying, "We are all Georgians."  I'm no Georgian, and that part of the world is none of our business.

    McCain's foreign policy views may be even more dangerous than Bush's, because he is more gung ho and he actually believes some of the c**p he says. Bush was in it for the oil and Cheney for the money, but McCain actually believes he has principles.


  6. Yeb he is just like uncle Bill & aunt Hellery

  7. In 2008, a large Cuban flag emblazoned with the image of Che Guevara, Castro's brutal henchman, is prominently displayed in a Barack Obama campaign volunteer office in Houston.

  8. Keating 5

    Affair with 1st wife

  9. not a clinton.........thank GOD

  10. Good argument. But the fact is that under Republican leadership we are as a nation in terrible shape. You can harp, snivel and cry about it all being Pelosi and her cronies fault. But George W. threatened veto each and every time they wouldn't give him what he wanted. So like it or not. John McCain will not lose this election on his own merits. He will lose it because Bush has shown us just how screwed up Republican policies really are.

  11. I think that sums him up pretty well, although his ties with Hamas, the terrorist group, are excluded.

  12. Of all the talking he does, he never mentions ANY of this..Hmmmm

  13. yes that is it,

    its strange how people are so blinded to the disaster of Barack Obama. I want a leader not someone with radical Social Ideas with no interest in what makes America great CAPITALISM

  14. your sensationalist comments make me think you should apply for a job at FOX, you'd fit right in.

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