
Is this really true about toddlers?

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Out of sight out of mind with regards to their mothers?

When I am at work does my daughter really not give me a thought until i walk through the door?




  1. Fortunately it is true, and healthy. It does not mean she doesn't love you, she is just expanding her life experience. Do you constantly pine for your parents/husband/ her? Good luck and don't worry.

  2. Rubbish. My son was 4 when his papa passed away and he still asks about him almost 6 months later.

  3. You daughter would definately think about you during the day you are her mum. Although when children are in a spcae where they feel confident, safe and secure they have no need to show distress and be upset.

    This should tell you that your daughter feels good about being with your MIL but that when you get back that she is happy to see you and that she has missed you during the day.

    Kids are a lot smarter than we give them credit for, she certainately does think of you during the day.

  4. She absolutely does think about you when you are gone. It just means she may be content where she is, & that is a good thing as you would not want her unhappy.

    There ain't nothing like your Mama!!


    Please, no offense Dad's!!

  5. As long as the child is well cared for yes its mostly true. Once they hit about 3 - then they start to miss Mom during the day. Little toddlers have no real idea of how long an hour is so the day just seems to go on and on to them. And as long as they are being cared for they are usually pretty happy without Mom.

  6. based from my experience because i myself didn't grow up with my mom or even my dad my grandmother raised me. at the age of 3 or 4 i was already with my granny and never saw dad and i only saw mommy once in two years.

    i believe that your daughter thinks about you. because as they said as soon as you leave your child for her first day at school she would be terrified at first because she would be in a new environment and would end up looking for you or her dad. and as time goes by she would realize that school is just an extension of the house that is why she would not be looking for you more often but still deep inside she is still looking for you and missing you.

    My tip for you is cherish every moment with her because each absent that you make would be recorded in her memory that may cause her to rebel against you and i pray that that would never happen. maintain the relationship with you and your daughter but not to the point that you are spoiling her.

    God Bless you

  7. i dont think so.. becasue i look after my 3 yr old nephew and 2 yr old neice all the time and they ask where mummy is, or what mummy is doing when she is at work.. same with the dad.

    so yeh

  8. Well being a mother of two sons.

    I think children (toddlers) have a very short attention span but depends on the attachment to the parent. My sons were clingy so when i was away they cryed, boo hooed, they wanted their mommy. Now one is 20 and the other is 15 and the don't even know i exist or even care if i am alive or DEAD!! so don't sweat the small stuff. When they are small enjoy every minute with them because when they get older they don't care...

  9. I don't think so.  Toddlers have better understanding than what we give them credit for they just don't know how to express it.

  10. All the kids on 1st day of school were crying and clinging to their mums, except my son who didn't even bat an eyelid. I felt quite sad about it.

  11. That is crazy!  My son (15 months) can sign "Daddy" and does so even when my husband is not here with us.  I think it does help that we have a picture of the whole family in our dining room that he sees a various times during the day, but he signs at times other than in the dining room, so I know that can't be all of it.  Your daughter loves you very much and thinks about you all the time!

  12. No. My daughter wakes up from her morning nap and immediately asks where her brother and father are. She thinks about them, all day. But, I think it's more like, "out of sight, out of mind", in terms of she'll stop crying when u leave, and adjust to her surroundings.

  13. Ha ha ha!  Not true at all but your MIL loves to make you feel insecure and she manages that all right.  Dump that thing straight away.

    I work and I can tell you... The way my kid greets me when I pick him up (even when he spends the day with my MIL and I can see her turn green!) is just great.  He is always so excited to go home.

    Nobody can replace a mother.  Tell your MIL that .

  14. It depends on the age and child.  Out of sight, out of mind is true regarding toys, but I don't think the same applies to parents.  I babysit two little kids a couple times a week and the 3 yr old (even when she was 2) would say, "Mommy work.  Mommy home?"  So I know for a fact that she thinks about her mom.  Her younger brother cried a lot when he was little and I contribute that to me not doing it how his mommy would do it, but now that he's 15 months, he's happy and doesn't appear to "miss" his mom, but also lights up the minute he sees her.

    Personally, it sounds like your MIL is trying to discourage you from working.  You may have to tell her that you have to work and by her telling you these things, she's is causing you unnecessary stress.  If your daughter is happy at her daycare and not pining away for you, that's good - that means she's being well cared for and loved.  

    Good luck!

  15. Well they are just toddlers but i dont beleve thats true. Toddlers have great love for there mothers. They see you everyday, you stop them from crying, and make them feel good. I doubt they forget that. Just keep treating your little angel with motherly love and he/she wont forget you. Ever notice how babys cry so much when there mother isn't around?

  16. when you first drop your child off at a daycare center they will get a little upset the first couple of times but after you leave they see there is plenty of fun things to do and they eventually calm down but some kids are different then others

  17. I think this is true when a child is in a childcare center or home daycare. At first they ask about mommy, but soon are off playing with the other children and distracted. It's not that they don't miss you, they are just engaged in other activity.

  18. Not true at all. I worked in childcare, and toddlers would often call out, Mumma, Mumma...... And too see their delighted faces when mumma or dadda comes to pick them up makes me know that they of course haven't forgotten. Toddlers just get used to childcare being in their routine :)

  19. I really dont think so, my fiance has a daughter from a previous relationship & she when she was around 22months we started taking her overnight & she regularly "mentioned" her mum. Things like pointing to my make-up bag & saying "mummy" because she often saw her mum put on make-up. x*x

    ps. Typical mother-in-law comment!!! Mine told me my sons probably prefer time with their daddy to me because they see me all the time whereas he goes to work during the day!! I say they probably appreciate "daddy time" more but certainly not prefer it! In-laws are often thoughtless in their comments!! xx

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