
Is this reason enough not to vote for Palin?

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A poor record: Her only political experience has been a few years as mayor of a small town in Alaska and less than two years as governor of that state. Her record wasn’t so great: the small town she left behind is now in financial ruin.

She has no experience with national level politics. At the time of this posting, many of her views on national policy issues were unknown simply because she is so inexperienced that she hasn’t even made public statements about them. Presidential history scholars believe she may be “the most inexperienced person on a major party ticket in modern history.”

She has no foreign policy experience. None.

Iraq War? Our country is in the midst of a war, and Palin’s son is going to fight in that war. However, reports that she hasn’t even given much thought to the Iraq War, and has no clear opinions about it. Great.

She is a creationist, and she wants “creation science” to be taught in public schools.

She doesn’t believe in man-made global warming. Maybe that’s why she supports drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge?

Not only does she think the government should be telling people who they can and cannot marry, she also thinks that same s*x couples should be denied benefits given to straight couples.

Palin has been accused of abusing her power as Alaska governor to try to get her ex-brother-in-law fired as a state trooper. An investigation is underway.

She has messed up views on wildlife protection. Environmentalists are appalled by her support of a $150-per-wolf bounty program. She’s also supported the use of government money to educate people about how great it is to shoot bears and wolves, and she doesn’t want the polar bear to make it onto the endangered species list.

One nation, under stupidity: When defending the phrase “one nation under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance, Palin said, “If it was good enough for the founding fathers, its good enough for me and I’ll fight in defense of our Pledge of Allegiance.” Reality check: The Pledge of Allegiance was written in 1892, long after the founding fathers died. The phrase “one nation under God” was added in 1954….

Anti-birth control nutcase- Not only does Palin oppose abortion in all cases, she also opposes the use of birth control in all cases. That includes married couples that want to use condoms or the pill!

Politicizing non-political jobs: When she was mayor of small town in Alaska, Palin abused her authority by firing city employees that did not fully support her reelection campaign.

She can’t even manage her own family - rumors have given way to an admission from Palin that her teenage daughter is pregnant, and will be having a shotgun marriage to the guy that knocked her up. That’s what abstinence-only education gets you.

Ninja editing: Her Wikipedia entry needed to be cleaned up before the public announcement that she was McCain’s VP pick.

She has no clue about the role of the Vice President.

It is quite clear she was chosen just because of her gender (most Republicans have never even heard of her), and she’s being used as a trick by the McCain campaign to gain some of Hillary Clinton’s supporters.




  1. I'm voting for her.   Palin has got the liberals running scared.  That's good enough for me to vote for her.

  2. Exactly.

    Do you Republicans want Sarah Palin as your president if something happens to mccain??

    i certainly dont, i intend on moving out of the country if that happnens.

    Go Democrats!

  3. Thank you for taking the time to write this.  I think you should copy it to a new question every few days so more people see it.  And more people will be willing to read it and maybe actually listen to you if you can stand changing your screenname to something a little less offensive to them.  Maybe "I am scared of how republicans think"....

  4. All great reasons to not vote McCain/Palin.

  5. She helped her daughter make a CHOICE, so her ethics don't apply in quite every case...

  6. Your rant was impressive, Mostly wrong , but impressive.

    The republicans have a winner. The McCain/Palin ticket is going to put John McCain into the White House and most likely Sara Palin will follow when his terms are up.

    The democrats are running scared; they know their time in the spotlight is coming to a close. Obama held the spotlight for over a year, but many began to see beneath his surface and into the qualities that make up the character of the man. Obama has gotten this far by projecting an illusion of himself that he hoped the people would buy into. It worked for a brief period, but many, having seen beneath his cloak of deception, are leaving his flock; yet some still hang on. These are so caught up in his facade of false promises and sloganized concepts of the future and, like yourself, are unable to cope with reality and are wandering about in despair awaiting their knight in shining armor to reassure them that all is well. Little do they realize that the armor is not all that shiny. It is corroding rapidly into a tin suit that will soon be dust and Obama will take his reserved spot in the dustbin of history.

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