
Is this reasonable?

by  |  earlier

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does it sound reasonable to try to trim down my time for the mile by 30 seconds?

or is that a long shot / a lot to ask for?

i'm 14, and

i have about a 7 minutes 30 second mile

and i really want it be in the 6th minute, even if its like 6 minutes and 59 seconds.

and i know i have to do this by practicing.. any other tips to do this? and can i trim it by 30 seconds by mid august?

thank youuu !




  1. Yes, it is very reasonable. As long as you train well by running some miles and adding speedwork, you're mile will be below seven minutes in no time! Good Luck!

  2. Yes it is reasonable to drop your time by 30 seconds.  Your distance is wrong though.  A mile is about 80 laps in a 25 yd pool and by a very good college swimmer will take 25 minutes to swim.  The distance is probably a 500yd (20 laps scy)  The only distances swum longcoarse are 800m (that is too long for your time) or a 400m which is possible.

    Tips look at your splits by 100 and talk with your coach about setting a goal.

    Are you a runner?  This could be a running time, which I know nothing about, only swimming

  3. i used to do pretty kick *** in my mile lol


    i tryed to not breath to often like 2 breaths on each lap but that didnt last long i would kick super hard too


    tryed my best

  4. will take allot of practice, and patience. I assume you have a good stretching routine in place you really need to stretch to elongate your stride. always feel yourself reaching farther and farther in your stride... nothing is impossible if you got the right mindset and heart. You go girl YOU CAN DO IT!!! :)

  5. In swimming, as you probably already know, EVERY second counts.

    When you beat your time, even by a second or two, it is a major thing.

    I would say that yes, it is a lot to ask for, and you will need to train VERY hard to achieve that goal.

    It depends on how long and hard you train, but I would honestly say that I do not think you will be able to improve your time by that much by August.

    While nothing is impossible, I highly doubt you will be able to achieve your goal.

    Sorry! Good luck with training! K
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