
Is this retribution or just white hatred?

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Is this retribution or just white hating mob violence,,2-7-1442_2273630,00.html




  1. Hnnm, yeah, I read that in Russia, I think it was, in Moscow, they have a thing called 'the pink taxi'. Where it is a taxi cab (thats pink in colour, obviously) and allteh drivers are women, and they cater specifically for women, to make them feel safe, rather than having some creepy weirdo guy as the driver. Although this has nothing to do with this story, since the victim here was waiting for the taxi, but I just thought the pink taxi idea was kinda good. You can find it somewhere on the web, I'll see if I can...

  2. The monkeys attack again,,,,,what can I say.  They will never ever change....they burn schools, kill, murder, violate every law available, lie, steal, hijack, is there anything hey will do right...I have never heard a group of black people ever doing anything constructive....or just plain good.....

  3. I am at a loss as to what the victim's race might be but what I can say is that I am completely against the abuse of that young woman as I am of any kind of woman anywhere in the world.

    The one who said she ought to wear ankle-length skirts is quite misguided in thinking that rape has anything to do with the length or shortness of a skirt.  How does she account for the rape of an 85 year old grandmother who is lying asleep in her own bed in her own house?

    Rape is about power over and abuse of someone who is unable to protect herself or himself.

    No man has the right to strip a young woman for wearing her own clothes.  Even if that skirt was too short to be considered decent, she still has the absolute right to be left alone.

  4. It's got nothing to do with white hating mobs.  The poor woman was black.

    Edit:  I see.  There were two attacks on young women?  The article seems to concentrate on the first attack, not on the second.  The first attack seems to be by black men on a black woman.  The second attack doesn't mention race or reason.

    But of course it is outrageous and I hope everyone concerned is severely punished.  Please let me know what happens.

    For the record:  this seems to be happening a lot recently, with a woman in Swaziland being assaulted with a broom for wearing a miniskirt.  It seems odd to me that people respond to women who are "indecently" dressed, by stripping her naked and touching her.  You'd think if they were that offended, they might have put more clothes on her.  What a world.

    As for the video - we shall see.

  5. Anything that describes causes for concern as white or black or whatever as ALWAYS inaccurate.

    They ALWAYS refer to many more people than are involved and it is wrong, but always cause backlash.

    Everyone should be referred to without mention of their colour, race, gender... If someone has a problem with an act, they should complain about that act as being done by a number of individuals and not by an entire skin colour.

  6. disgusting

    just an excuse for these disgusting animals to molest a young girl....if they thought her clothes were obscene what is the sense in tearing them off her to make her naked?

    as for the sexual assault - they should be found and convicted - just thugs engaging in sexual assault.......any excuse

  7. There is nowhere in your link, that I can see, that describes anyones colour in this incident. How do you know who was white and who was black, and does it really matter? A woman was assaulted, her colour is irrelevant.

  8. It all sounds terrible. There's some pretty disgusting people on both sides.

  9. Quite sickening the world seems to be traveling backwards.  Every colour, religion, nation seems to hate each other.

    I may soon get a sandwich board saying "The End is Nigh"

    Perhaps global warming will punish us all and Noah will build a space craft.

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