
Is this right? Can they do this after I got hurt there?

by  |  earlier

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Ive been working for this ( A ) company for awhile now and I put in my 2 weeks notice a week ago, But, on the same day of me putting my 2 weeks, I hurt my finger bad and cant work, Im now on workers comp.. I receieved a call from my (A) job and they're saying that next week I have no job... It doesnt seem fair! Is this right??




  1. If you live in a work at will state and you gave a two week notice. Then no matter what you are no longer employed after the two weeks. I wouldn't even waste my money on  lawyer.

    Actually you will be lucky if the company doesn't turn around and try and get you for fraud.  

  2. Yup its ok

  3. Why does it not seem fair? Think about it.  Your employee put in their two weeks notice, and with one more week to go they hurt themselves and can't work.  Would you feel like you are required to pay them past that week when they were going to quit anyways and there's a good chance that they'll quit when they get back? Check your companies policies.  My company has a policy that if you quit after a medical leave without a valid reason you are required to pay them back.  And you really should look into if you are working in a "work at will" state. Once you find that out, you'll see if you have grounds for a lawsuit.  

    And it never hurts to check with a lawyer anyways.  They'll be able to tell you for certain what you can do.  Your company may even have free legal consults, you might want to check.

  4. call a lawyer, they can make anything right!

  5. NO! No way they should do this to you. Try talking to your boss. If he/she doesn't do anything about it try the president of the company. And threaten to sue. Getting a lawyer should put them in there place! Best of luck! I hope your finger gets better! (:

  6. get a lawyer  

  7. dunno for sure but it doesn't sound rite

  8. ok, just get rid of the company

    what is the difference u get in one week

  9. well personally i think that is wrong. they should have gave you extra days off. so u can get better  

  10. Find a lawyer who specializes in insurance litigation ASAP. No it's completely wrong, especially if your finger doesn't get better.  It's harrassment plain and simple.  The employer knows that with every compensation claim their insurance premiums go up. I would sue.

  11. Threaten to sue them.  They can't fire you if you were injured on the job.

  12. your finger?

    that's stopping you from working?

  13. no is not right unless you sign something that says they dont cover any medical care

  14. That's a tough one. You might want to read through laws and company policies that you signed. They shouldn't, but they might be able too.

  15. No, it is not fair but they can pretty much let go without a reason.  I am sorry you got hurt but do what you can to fight them for your rights but it might be very diffcult because they are monsters.

  16. Absolutely not it isn't fair nor is it legal.  Your injury will not permit you to work a another job and it is not your fault.  The only way you can fight worker comp is with a lawyer.  You don't have a chance without one.  you do need to contact and hire one as fast as you can.

    he/she will take over your case completely, talk to your company and workers comp. they will get you every right that is due you.

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