
Is this right?? i really want to but i am not sure?

by  |  earlier

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my health teacher has offered to give me a good grade for my health exam if i have s*x with him.

i am thinking about and he is quite attractive.

should i do it?

btw i am over the legal age




  1. Wow... banging your own health teacher for a good grade. That's pretty low...

  2. Do you think it is worth having s*x and lieing to anyone who see's your health exam?

  3. i say yes wh*re,why not!..who knows you may start making some money on the side,just make sure you charge a little extra for the small one..

  4. i think you are just asking this question because you are bored...

    but no you shouldn't.

    it's called self respect

  5. Sure. Why not? It sounds like you are in to it.

    Don't listen to these people. They know if the situation were reversed and it was an attractive female teacher with a young male student over 18 this wouldn't be an issue.

  6. You are 'selling' yourself short.  I would use your time to study for your health exam.  Even if you fail, it will not cost you your self respect.  Think before you leap.

  7. if you are a w***e go right ahead

  8. No! Of course not! It doesn't matter if you're over the legal age, this is wrong and you should tell someone what he said.  

  9. Is this for real?  Don't do this.   Report the teacher.  Over the legal age or not... this is abuse of power.

  10. Even ignoring the fact that he's a teacher, that's inadvisable in so many ways. You're basically whoring yourself for a good grade, imagine if someone found out! You'd get in trouble both for altering your grade and for the s*x, not to mention everyone would regard you as a s**t. He'd be in trouble for soliciting you and giving you good grades in exchange for s*x. It's just a bad idea.

    If you really must sleep with him, do it casually or dating wise, outside of school, with no expectation of a better grade.

  11. Was Health really that difficult?

  12. No, this is not right. You should earn a grade in this class based upon your academic merits.  He is offering to sell you a grade in exchange for s*x.  He could be fired for this act and you in turn could suffer an academic reprimand from the school for this act.

    If you want to have s*x with him that is your choice. If you choose to do this, why not wait until the class is completed before acting upon his approach?  Good luck.

  13. whoa whoa whoa, this man is out of his league. REPORT HIM is what you should do. then he'll get into to trouble and you won't have health for a while.

    unless you wanna risk getting aids or something


  14. The reason you haven't already said yes is because you still have a little bit of moral conscience left in you that is muffled in the back of your head trying to get your attention. Do not do this. Not only will it deprive you of getting the grade on your own merit but if this starts where will it end? Report him.

  15. If u need to ask then I would say the answer is no it is not right.  

  16. what the heck then????do it older guys are hot!!!

  17. don't, thats gross and and horrible of him to ask. i dont care how old you are. teachers should not be trading grades for s*x. and what if he pulls off on his part of the deal?

  18. im a guy and for some reason i know that doin dat would make u look like. . . .well u know. no need to offend ppl. but i guess if youre desperate go for it.

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