
Is this right or wrong?

by  |  earlier

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Please help? I know the United States Postal Dept. is a Federal Govt. Dept. Any crimes get prosecuted at a Federal court and you could go to a Federal Prison.

Is it a crime to file a wrong change of address with the USPS?

Suppose I my correct address is My name, 123, Home Address, Some Street, CA. Zip.

Can I give USPS change address as

ALL MAILS SENT TO : My Name, 456, Some Street, TX, Zip

FORWARD TO: 123, Home Address, Some Street, CA. Zip.

Is this a crime? I can always say that I was supposed to go there, but I didnt, or something like that, right?




  1. If this is a false address, the mail will get sent back.  I wouldn't try it. If you are trying to get out of paying bills, guess what? The IRS will find out and there goes any tax refund.

  2. It is not  crime to file a report about a change of address, unless it is a change that does not exist, to avoid future bills from being forwarded?

    This is fraud upon the postal system, and not giving a forwarding address can be construed as trying to avoid?

    Of course it is your mail and address and information which can be found out from your employment history and records with IRS, SO?

  3. Just file a change of address.  People change their address all the time.  Mail forwarding is limited in duration but should not be a problem. The only way you are going to jail over a bad address is if you intentionally filed it in order to commit a crime of some sort.

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