
Is this right? please help?

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i am 8 weeks pregnant i dont feel pregnant and have not had any symptoms could i have miscarried with out knowing it i have had no pains or bleeding either?




  1. it is possible to miscarriage and not know, as it happened to me, i didnt find out for 4 weeks! but everyone is different, heaps of ppl i know dont feel any symptoms during early pregnancy so dont stress too much, i know when i was in my early stages i just longed to feel my baby move so i knew it was okay, every woman stresses about thier unborn baby and honestly, the baby is never safe until it comes out :) so do your best to think positively and please if you really think you may have miscarriaged then go to the doctors and demand to get an ultrasound and you'll know if its allgood

    good luck darl xoox i am sure everything will turn out good for you

  2. it is still very early. at this stage women find out they are pregnant. go to gp or your midwife for check up or at least phone them and tell about your worries. they are understanding and will explain to you what you ought to do.

  3. You might not feel pregnant until your 20 weeks this is very normal be thank full you have no symptoms they will come soon enough!

    I didn't start to feel or look pregnant until about 19 weeks

    Good Luck

  4. go to your gp/midwife  to see if they can book you in for an early scan , I know someone whose babys heart stopped beating at 8 weeks but they didnt find out until four weeks later at the 12 week scan recently,so no you probably wouldnt know if something was wrong,  im not trying to scare you but i think itd be a good idea if you could get checked soon

  5. its completly normal, i was exactly the same, my boyfriend was always furious with me because i kept taking pregnancy tests just to prove myself that the baby was still there. the best piece of advice i got given was 'if something bad is happening-you'll know about it' once someone told me that it sort of clicked into place for me and i started relaxing...just wait till you have your first scan then everytime youre feeling worried..look at the scan :)

    its all part of being a mummy!!!!!!

    congrats!!!! xxxxx

  6. i miscarried 2 years ago and it was painful.........and i had a lot of bleeding and sure u are fine sweetie.

  7. There is such thing as a "missed abortion" where the fetus dies but doesn't come away but stays inside the womb. It happened to me at 12 weeks the only reason I knew was that I didn't get any bigger. I eventually started to bleed at about 16 weeks and discovered on a scan that the baby was dead. I had to have a scrape or D&C to make sure everything was removed.

    Lots of people have no symptoms of early pregancy but if you are worried take a test.

    Hope everything is fine for you.

  8. You can miscarry without knowing, but don't worry about it. Most people do have cramping and bleeding.

    I had no symptoms at the beginning either - no morning sickness, tiredness or anything. Obviously you won't have a bump or feel kicks for a good few weeks yet.

    I mentioned this to my grandmother, who said not to wish for symptoms as I won't like them when they come.

    Lo and behold, on came the morning sickness, & extreme tiredness.

    Some people get sickness all the way through pregnancy, some just at the beginning, some don't get it at all.

    Everyone's different, so please don't worry.

  9. with both my boys i had no morning sickness and no feeling, it wasn't till my stomach got bigger and i felt their kicks 17/20 weeks that made me actually feel pregnant, we tend to get a little crazy when we are pregnent, if it doesnt kick for 10 minutes your like OMG is it get the drift, im sure all is fine! good luck babe : )

  10. Yes that can be perfectly normal to not have any symptoms! I would have never guessed I was pregnant if it wasn't for my missed period, I had no symptoms what so ever. My breast never hurt I didn't get morning sickness or anything that is a typical symptom of pregnancy. I still don't "feel" pregnant and I'm almost five months along, Ive only thrown up about four times and that was all after 12 weeks. So please try not to worry, as long as you haven't had any pains or bleeding then I would guess you and baby are fine. Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy!

  11. I am in a similar situation. I'm 7.5 weeks and I DID have sore b***s but that has almost completely gone. I'm really worried too. I've not been sick either. THey say that we are lucky people but I'd rather be throwing up every day just to know that everything is fine.

  12. You'll know if you've miscarried. It's painful and you'll bleed when it happens.

    Some women don't show symptoms for a while. Not every woman gets morning sickness or cravings etc. so don't panic. Perhaps retake a pregnancy test in case the first was wrong. Have you seen a doctor yet? If not, see one now. There may not be anything to worry about but it's best to be safe.

  13. Hi,

    I felt the same, i didnt feel pregnant, and actually didnt rightly hit me until i had the scan!

    I really feel you'l know if you have miscarried, and you would be bleeding.(Or have bled).

    Dont worry hunny, and Congratulations


  14. you will know if you miscarried there will be cramping and bleeding you could just be lucky unlike many  

  15. I am in the same boat!! I am 9 weeks and 4 days and feel GREAT!! No symptoms at all other than extreme hunger!! LOL Every pregnancy is so different. Without pains or bleeding I don't think you have miscarried.  Thank your lucky stars that your not sick :)  

  16. No. Trust me if you miscarried then you would know. It is extremely painful and you would have bled. It is completely normal that you don't feel pregnant. You are just one of them lucky woman who don't get the early pregnancy symptoms. I was sick as a dog with 2 of mine i have been lucky this time. Don't worry you will feel pregnant soon enough. Mine never really ever kicked in until i got to see my baby during the first scan then you know there really is a baby there. Congrats on pregnancy. Don't hesitate to go and see doctor if you are worried about anything.  

  17. You would usually have some sort of pain or bleeding if you have miscarried. Some people do not experience symptoms early so I would not jump to conclusions too fast.

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