
Is this right ?

by  |  earlier

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Hi me and my hubby are currently expecting out first child, and he has been coming with me to my scans which is only 2 and I have to go to the hospital again next month. I asked his yesterday about his holidays and he said he hasnt got that many left, I was like why and he said because he has been coming with me to the hospital which get take of his holidays or he wouldnt get paid.

I thought that partners are suppose to have the right to time off work when there partners are pregnant, or is that only some companies, he said they dont do that but is it not against the law.

Thanks for your answers




  1. It depends on his company really. Most companies do not give you time off for appointments, you have to use your vacation time. Also after the baby is born he should be able to take FMLA (Family Medical Leave of Absence) but he may not get paid for it, again its a company issue.

    I know that with the company my bf and I work for when our little girl is born he can take FMLA but he will not get paid. As for making it to appointments we have to schedule them when we're not working or take vacation time for them.

  2. Hello I work for the Inland Revenue and the way it works with us is that the man is only entitled to leave once the baby has been born. This is called paternity leave they are entitled to two weeks paid. Other than this if they want to come to your appointments then it has to be in their own time either as Holiday or  unpaid time off. Hope that this helps. Oh and congratulations I'm at 24 weeks and its my second.... Good luck!!

  3. If you do not have enough vaction time there is nothing he can do. I do believe he could take ime off when the baby is born with FMLA but there is a chance he will not get paid in full or at all. Every company is different so you will need to see his companies handbook for this kind of thing!

  4. only after the child is born

  5. Not aginst the  law to not allow him leave for your check ups and make him use vacation time.

  6. here in the uk, the partners are aloude paid time off for antenatal classes doc appts or scans, so he should speak to his boss and ask for his holidays back! x

  7. I believe that theonly allotted time off work would be after the baby is born. Congrats by the way!

  8. Men have the same right as a woman to have time off...but it does not have to be paid. I think it only starts after the child has been born.

  9. I know there is a law where a women can take medical leave for pregnancy..but never heard for men!
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