
Is this right to do this to us and our kids who are going to school?

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Why is it getting to the point that we the US people have to pay the price for Bush and he's wife giving money to another school on the other side of the world and here in the US when they should put that money to the schools in the states that need it more?

And by pay I'm talking about the cost of school lunch or even a lunch from home cost more for us. And having our kids walk to school and back home if they live less than a mile from school.




  1. He's a republican and she's a republican.

    Its republican mentality.

    Reagan and (Old) bush were more concerned with war and oil and filling their own pockets while ruining the economy at the same time.

    If you do a study and superimpose the value of the dollar against a foreign currency, you will see that during repulican years, the dollar actual declines heavily.

    Schools didn't get computers until a year or 2 after a democrat (Clinton) was voted into office....

    Before that, a computer lab consisted of about 10 computer for 500 kids, and maybe 5-6 service machines throughout the offices...etc....

    The schools got new books too.

    Sure, its ok for the republican to leave the kids with outdated books.....I'm mean...h** voters think the earth is 5000 years old anyways.....right....while republicans send their kids to private schools from the exact money that would have been used to improve public schools.

    If you want public services, like schools to improve, you have to vote in a socialist.

    The increased tax dollars DON'T go to welfare, because the democrats clamp on welfare.

    The money actually goes to schools and other public services.

    In my city, because we finally elected a democrat for mayor, senior citizens finally got free bus fair.

    Its kind of funny.........

    That Clinton got impeached for having s*x with an intern, but bush was the one that committed crimes against humanity.

    Here is another example

    Democrats: Reform depleted uranium rods into thin sheets and encase within gold sheet. (thats an alpha\beta voltaic battery by the runs for about 30 know...electric cars that never need to be recharged)

    Republican: Oil makes us rich. The hippies are complaining, so lets lob our waste at the people who refuse to give us oil. Who cares if the soldiers get cancer.....its not like its us. The hippies want electric cars, lets purposely make crappy ones so they will go back to oil. We will even cut costs on cancer treatment for the soldier....its just easier to sweep then under the rug...

  2. I agree. I live in an area where there are no sidewalks. There is no one in the world that would be able to tell me my child got hit by a car because the bus couldn't pick her up from home or the corner because we live less than a mile away. Bottom line, they are not taking into consideration the needs of the children while stripping out pockets of what we have. Having a child pay more for lunch does not take into consideration they might only have to eat a portion of it because they can't afford to pay for the full meal.  

  3. One: Bush is not to blame. The reason why hot lunches cost so much is due to the fact that a few months ago, farmers started to grow more corn than wheat because everyone wanted ethanol gas instead of unleaded fuel. Since less wheat was being produced, the price of the product went up. Since a vast majority of hot lunches (pizza, sandwiches, etc.) contains wheat, the price of hot lunches rose.

    Two: School's need to use as little gas as possible. It cost more to pick up every single kid in each school district. The buses need to pick up the kids who are further away from the school than the ones that are only one mile away. The kids who are only ONE mile away are within walking distance don't need to be picked by a school bus because they could just as easily walk. It makes more sense to have the kids that are only one mile away to walk than to have the kids that are TWENTY miles away walk.

  4. Is there something wrong with walking to a school that is less than a mile away? And should we not pay for what we eat? You certainly expect others to do a lot for you! What about thinking about what you can do for them? Why shouldn't people give their own money to help schools on the other side of the world? I'll bet they give a lot of money to help their neighbors as well. If you work hard and earn enough money to pay for your own food, maybe you'll have some left over to help somebody else, like Bush does.

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