
Is this rude? The neighbor knocks and then just walks right in saying "hello?"?

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She has done this several times now and so now I try to keep the front door locked even though we live in the middle of nowhere. Today my baby was napping and I was trying to get some things done in the meantime. The baby ended up waking because she stayed to visit. I think it is rude, but what should I say or do to stop this behavior?




  1. It is a lot more than just rude. When we moved in here two years ago my neighbor did the same thing. I told him right then, the first time. "you have no idea just how lucky you are, In a few more days I'll have my guns out and you would be lucky to just walk in and still keep your life. He has never done it since.

    It is too bad you didn't stop it the first time as now a precedence has been set. But here is an idea.

    Tell her "I would appreciate it if in the future you would knock and wait for me to answer The door and not just walk in anymore. There are times I may not be properly dressed or doing something private and may not want to be disturbed."

    Plain and simple.

  2. Lock your door.

    If the baby is sleeping, tell her so and that you can't visit right then, could you call her when it's more convenient.

    Set the expectations for a visit to your house and make sure she knows what they are.

  3. Very rude - even though you live in the boonies, it's still a good idea to keep your door locked when you are home alone. Hopefully she will get the hint after you tell her have things to do and maybe she could call first.

    Maybe she's lonely and bored or she is truly rude and feels she is entitled to your time and space.

    Either way, this is uncalled for. I don't even answer the door if the person doesn't call first. I have pretended not to be home because I don't feel like answering the door.

  4. keep that door locked and put a note on the front door that baby is napping please do not disturb

  5. Oh my gosh, I have a ten-year-old neighbor that does that.  The best thing you can do is lock the doors and windows, and close the blinds.  If she knocks non-stop-that's what my neighbor does when I lock the door- threaten that you'll call the cops, unless you wanna be nice, then just turn up your radio really loud.  That should do the trick =]

    Hope I helped.

  6. Of course this is rude.  This is where "setting up boundaries" in a polite, but direct way becomes very important.  I would certainly have thought that the first time she came and knocked, and tried to enter and the door was "locked" that she should have gotten the "hint" and asked you "Is there a problem"....but beings she is the problem and doesn't understand this you are going to have to garner up all your etiquette skills and be polite, but honest and just say, "I don't mean to offend you, but I would honestly appreciate it if you could please call before you came over."  You don't owe her an explanation why, not because the baby is napping or because you are busy but just because that is the way you want it.  It is called setting boundaries.  It is proper and then when she calls and wants to visit and it isn't an appropriate time you have to be honest and say "not this time, maybe another, I'm really busy right now." and let it go at that.  It is hard at first, but the more boundaries you start to set the easier it gets.  Good luck!!!

    Peace & Love :)

  7. Yes,  that is very rude.

    Continue to keep your door locked.  Eventually your dense neighbor will "get it".  Until she does, next time she knocks and tries to get in, just tell her in a very hushed voice "The baby is sleeping ..... can we talk later?"

  8. Some people are raised differently.  Then they assume that everyone thinks like they do.  For some parts of the country her behavior is not unheard of.  

    Nicely explain to her how you want to be treated.  Tell her that you want to be called first before a visit.    Also let her know that if no one answers the door it is not ok to come in.  Be firm and don't be afraid to get pissed off if she keeps doing the same thing after you explain to her your wishes.

  9. just don't say nothing to her i would call the cops on her or just ignore her and like she not there

  10. That's uncalled for.  I would have to keep the door locked at all times for her to not be able to do it.  She's probably just trying to be friendly and was brought up to enter like that.  Saying something would probably offend her.  I understand about the sleeping baby though, that's when people usually come knocking or ringing the doorbell!

  11. just lock the doors, thats kinda creepy that she just walks in

  12. I'd be behind the door when she started to come in.

    She'd get a nosefull of door.

    Oopsiedoodle!  Was that YOU?!?

  13. Yes it's rude but she may not think so...make a sign to hang on the door k**b.."Babies sleeping do not disturb"!

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