Sometimes I get upset with my husband for nothing, so I'm wondering.
We're moving my parents into their new house today after their house burned down a couple months ago. I told them I'd be there around noon, but I have to be there around 1:00 to help them. My husband and I are both going, but we had to work for a couple hours this morning before going. We got to work really early and he said he'd be done by 9:30 (it's a 2.5 hour drive with no traffic), but it's almost 10:00 now. I called him at 9:45 and he said the longer he talked, the longer it was gonna take and that he wasn't done yet. I have no idea when he'll be here. He'll get mad at me for being upset with him, so I just need to make sure that I'm not getting overly upset before approaching him.