
Is this rude or not?

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Ok. Picture this.

You're in a concert to see your most favourite musician in the world. You would do ANYTHING to be close to them. You walk into the arena and ask a staff member where you're sitting and you show them your ticket. They guide you to your seat but you realise it is quite close to the back of the arena and you cannot get close to your fave musician. As you sit down, you notice alot of empty seats in front of you about 30 mins after the musician started their performance. You see nobody else walking towards the seats and the seats are perfect for you and you can get a good view of your musician and you will be pretty close too.

- Would it be rude to sit in them seats?

- or is it best to sit where you're meant to be sat?





  1. If all the tickets are the same price, and you got seats in the back arena by bad luck, you can go ahead and move closer.  Doesn't mean you won't get caught or even thrown out though.

    I do think it is rude if you move into higher priced seats though.  If you move and sit in a seat that cost $60, and you only paid $20 for yours, you are pretty much stealing from the arena.

    (I'm also going to have to correct a grammatical error.  Sorry.  You should say "Would it be rude to sit in THOSE seats."  OK.  I'll be good now.)

  2. Move to the better seats!!!! If someone comes to you and says it is their seat then move.  Not Rude at all!

  3. It's not rude to sit in seats that aren't spoken for.  Of course, if the people with the tickets to those seats show up at any point, you will have to move for them.  I've been to some shows/concerts where someone will come by and check your ticket and make sure you're in the right seat.  Not too often, but it happens.  You can be kicked out if they catch you upgrading your own seats, but it's not a high possibility.  Usually they'll just give you a warning and ask you to move.

  4. if they are not taken then surely it would be rude not 2!

    ur fave singer wants 2 b heard,

    especialy by a devoted fan!

    u take that seat!!!


  5. Well I wouldn't do it, b/c I'd be afraid of getting in trouble.  I have friends that do it all the time though, and they never get caught.  I don't think it's rude, but it's probably not the best thing in the world to do.  Especially if there's a price difference in seats.

  6. What have you got to lose?  If someone comes along and claims your seat then you just go back to your old seat.

  7. If no one comes to the seats move up....

  8. go ahead and upgrade.  the worst thing that could happen is that the people who own the seats show up and you move to new and better seats again !

  9. Usually if the concert starts and it's evident the seats aren't taken, you can take them. I went to an OzzFest and the last band actually invited everyone to move up to the front rows, so it's okay!

  10. ehh it's kinda rude, but not really.  because if nobody else is there, nobody should have a problem with it.

  11. well I would not call it rude I would call it a gift of opportunity,

    and since the show is a half hour in progress I might try to get away with it,whats the sense of an empty seat right?although the embaressment of the true seat byers comes and ask you to move may be too
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