
Is this rude or what?

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My friend had her baby at 5 months and he was in the hospital for about 3 months.

At the christening ceremony in church for my son my brothers girlfriend turned to my best friend and said " Is your baby still sick"

Is that the rudest thing or what? She does not seem to think so.




  1. wow, just because the baby was born that young does not mean that he or she is sick.   Yeah she could have said , "Hi how's the little one doing? " or somthing like that.  

  2. That was not the nicest way she could have inquired about the child, but give her some credit for caring enough to ask about the child.

  3. Your brother's g/f is suffering from extreme ignorance and bad taste as well as a gross lack of tact.

  4. The way it was asked may have been tasteless, but I'm going to assume your brothers girlfriend meant it to be polite. Maybe she could have said it a little differently.  

  5. It's pretty tactless.  She could have thought of a better way to put it.

  6. Yea that is pretty straight forward, if she would have worded it like, hey hows you baby doing now, or something like that it would have sounded better

  7. Yeah, that's a little blunt. I don't think she meant to hurt anyone's feelings, though.  

  8. It's not rude by itself.  But maybe her timing and tone made it sound rude to you.  If your friend doesn't think your brother's girlfriend meant to rude or mean then leave it alone.

    Even if she did mean to be rude, leave it alone, it's just not worth the trouble.  People like that feed on outrage, and the more you pay attention to her, the more likely she'll keep saying outrageous things.

  9. yeah that was pretty rude

  10. Rude? No.  She was inquiring about the health of your friend's baby, which shows she was concerned or at least interesting in knowing the child was OK. She may have been able to phrase the question better, but it was not rude to inquire.

  11. no its not. she is just concern.
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