
Is this rude? plz anwser!!!?

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so today me and my friend go to 7 eleven and we put are bags down in the frount of the store( they ask you to do that so people dont steal) and so we were looking to buy some candy and like 1 min later the lady asks if we need help and i was just like no thank you and then like 2 min later she said this " hurry up this isnt walmart you cant stay forever" and we were in there less than 5 min and there wasnt anybody else in the store

i wanted to know if what she said was rude because i thought it was?




  1. yeah that was rude wonder what was bothering her today

  2. It was really rude.

    but i bet she wanted to call a friend or do something that she couldn't do with customers in there.

    Still rude, none the less.

  3. Yes that was rude I bet her supervisor would like to know how she is treating customers. Very Bad!

  4. if she was saying it in a "happy" and  kind of "Joking" tone, see probably was just messing with you, but if she wasn't, than she was just being plain rude.

  5. It's VERY rude. Go back & tell that hag to get bent. She can't kick u out for nothing, so purposefully bother her & be a b*tch to her to give her  a taste of her own medicine.

  6. Yes it was very rude.

  7. I agree, it is kind of rude.

  8. yah that is totally rude! if you have a job you should treat customers with respect that is a policy to me where ever i go.

    i would not go back to that seven eleven again

  9. She wanted to skip out while there were no customers and was trying to rush you along.  I hope you shopped slower.

  10. It sounds unnecessarily nasty, but you know that stores like Seven-Eleven are routinely ripped off (and not just by young folks like you and your friend).  While that doesn't excuse rude behavior, it may explain it.  Don't take it personally -- unless, of course, you were behaving dishonorably (stealing or taunting the clerk by pretending to steal).

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