
Is this rude?

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My husband and I have an ongoing debate in our house about using the drive-thru at fast food restaurants. I say that it is rude to take big orders of 7 people through the drive-thru.It puts a lot of extra work on the staff of the restaurant. He says that is what it is there for.He feels that it is part of their job and isn't a big deal. What do you think?




  1. no its not rude

    they r here to treat u

    u r not treating them

    its their job

    and its not ur fault ur family is big

    have fun

    and its fast food

  2. well i actually work at a Mcd's and yeah it's our job to serve them food ... but what is so hard about coming inside we try and serve in front like we do for the drive thru... honestly by people coming to order for 10 ppl is pretty messed up ... not only are we the workers scrambling to meet a time limit but everyone behind that person has to get there food too....

  3. I don't really see how it's different from ordering for 7 people in the restaurant.  That's what drive-thrus are for.

  4. Well I have been a manager at both KFC and Taco Bell , It is faster if you go thru the drive thru , They have more workers that cover that position. Most complaints about getting their orders messed up come from drive thru.The crew is more concerned about their speed then what they are packing.(which is not their fault it is how they are trained) Working in fast food has made me want to go inside to order because 99% of the time my order will be right. Your husband is right that is what they are there for , but it doesn`t mean it works well.When you place your order at drive thru if it is a big order the nicer you are to the crew the better service you will get.And if they don`t read your order back to you ask them if they would do so,and check your order before you leave the parking lot , not at the window, remember they are timed.

  5. Drive thur order any size ok but be considerate of the car behind you and gas consumption! at $3.32 a gallon waitin line behind a big order kinda rough, if you have to wait 10 minutes that to long... a drive thur should average about 2 minutes per order..thats from when its ordered till you pick it up!!

  6. I used to work at a fast food place.

    An order for 7 people through the drive-thru is very manageable.  It isn't rude and it is what they are there for.  There are enough staff members to get the order done.  

    So don't worry!


  8. Well he does sort of have a point it's not really a big deal because that's what they were trained for and it's the reason they earn that pay check every week but it's nice that you feel some compassion for the workers.

  9. I know I hate when I get behind someone that has a huge order.  I think it's rude for them to hold up the line like that.  I know at Starbucks in my area they ask you to limit your order to 3 drinks at the drive thru.  If I have a huge order, I go in.

  10. I think it depends on whether or not there are some issues. Please listen to me! I need more lincoln logs or else the pain in my head will become overwhelming!

  11. It's not so much rude to the staff, but that person behind you that just wants a diet coke is going to hate you

  12. Its not rude. iTS THE SAME AS GOING INSIDE! Plus many people order food for more than seven people anyway. So Thats what theyer there for. They get paid to do that stuff. They wanted the job, so thats their problem.

  13. I think it depends on how busy the restaurant is.  I wouldn't order for seven people if the line is already 15 minutes long and you won't get your food for another 10 minutes.  However if it's not that busy then I don't see why not. Also I would be the kind of person to feel a little bad for ordering all of that food whereas some people do not mind and will put all the pressure and work on restaurant employee's as they want to

  14. I would say it's definitely not inconsiderate or rude in any way toward the staff. I'd much rather have a huge order in DT than in counter. It is kind of inconsiderate of the people behind you, HOWEVER, the restaurant should "park" you if you're going to be waiting for your food and they can get people behind you out before you. Also, if you go in, it's much easier for you to double check your order before you leave, to make sure everything is correct.

    So, either way, it's up to you, but I would reccomend going in, if only for the ease of ensuring the accuracy of your order.

  15. ~ I see your point, because if I was the car behind you I probably would get somewhat irritated,,,when ordering a large order inside, they usually have 3 cashiers so that would help others get their order faster,,,,,I wonder if you could call ahead ,,,just ask the manager if you can pre-order,,,I bet they would appreciate that.   That is what we do when there is a group of us ordering lunch in for work,,,,we call the order in,,,,even at the fast food resturants.......

  16. I agree with your husband actually on this one sorry. I mean its there job their getting paid for it they should do what they are supposed too. The only bad thing in this is that your holding up the people behind you.

  17. if its what they want they yes you should get it. its part of the organisation to provide what the customer wants isnt it?

    but i do agree it can be hard. im sure its not a regular occurance so why not?

  18. very

  19. I think you should call in the order after you place the order ask them about how long its going to be then go pick it up then it should not be a problem for no one it actually would probably take less time than someone that is ordering a drink

  20. ofcoarse its not rude. Thats what they get paid for.

  21. i dont think it is rude because that is why they work there. then again if you order food and leave leaving the next person with the check... that's a different story.

  22. If all seven people are in the car and are going to eat in the car, then going through the drive thru seems perfectly logical.  But, if you're talking about a massive order to take away, it seems inconsiderate to use the drive thru that way, as people use the drive thru as an "express" lane.  It feels like going through the "10  items or fewer" line with a cartload of food, to me.  The issue of consideration relates to the other people in line, not the employees - that's what they are there for!

  23. I actually work at McDonald's and it is really frustrating when people come through with that much food. Not that its a HUGE deal, but we get reemed if our times are really bad. If you have a big order like that you can always call in and tell them what time you want to pick up your food and they will have it all ready for you. Or you can just go in the front. It really is a pain, but it is up to you what your family decides to do. Hope that helps!

  24. depends on how busy the restuarant is

  25. give me a break, if you got the cash and you want to eat c**p you should be able to order as much as you want........

  26. It's their job.  If you went into the restaurant then you would have to cart all those bags out to your might even drop one. Use the window - it's what it is there for.

  27. Its a good idea.

    I work at Wendy's after school and if they have trouble getting your order done, they will park you. Just be aware that if you have many specifications (extra pickles, no mayo, light on the ketchup, fries well done with no salt) they will be more likely to mess it up or take forever than they would if you came in. Go through the drive-thru! They have people whose whole job is to work the drive thru

  28. i agree with him

  29. No, it is not rude.  It is their job to take all orders, both large and small.

    However,  if it were an order for a large group (say, 25 people), then the order in my opinion is too large for the

    dive-thru.  Very large orders should be phoned-in well in advanced.

    God bless!

  30. No it's not rude at all! When my mom and I go, it only takes us about 10 min! My family is is big too, and we all order enough to make us full! My dad, mom, 2 sisters and my little brother and myself all get something. it's really no big deal. That is their job. That is what they expect everyday.
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