Recently, as I run, I can barely get through a quarter mile without feeling a pain in my knees. It's not very bad, but I stop because I don't want to injure myself even more. I'm baffled by it-I don't stretch a lot and I run on pavement, so that may be what's causing it, but still-it's so weird. It just suddenly appeared one day!
I got new shoes recently, but they're in the exact same design as my old ones, just a different color scheme, so I don't know how they could be causing it. Also, my knee isn't swollen or inflamed-it just hurts when I run or go downstairs.
I generally do 1, 2, 3 miles and one 5 mile run a week (but normally I get lazy and skip this.) I'm just 13, though, so I'm not really training hard-just running for pleasure.
This is really frustrating me. I'm trying to start building up mileage so I can do cross-country when school starts, but I don't know if it's okay to run and I really don't want to get an injury.
Please tell me what I can do about this!