
Is this running plan good for beginners??i?

by  |  earlier

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found it at

if u cant see that try this:,7120,s6-380-381--11942-0,00.html

and click 'see the plan here'

well it says for beginners but i'm a complete beginner like barely run a also can u explain what walk/xt means (on mondays, wednesdays, and fridays)

so basically can this help me if i'm a COMPLETE BEGINNER

or does it seem too easy??





  1. I highly reccomend the Couch to 5k on I did it. Took me from barely being able to run a minute to, as of right now, 3 months or so later, running 30 minutes with ease AND speed. 12 minute mile down to 7.5 minutes. Woot!

    Anyway, XT means cross train. Elliptical, bike riding, any cardio that isn't running. It helps, trust me (I do the elliptical and sometimes the stationary bike).

  2. Congratulations on becoming a runner!!

    This is a good program, written by Jeff Galloway.  If you feel this is too much, try another program by John Bingham: No Need For Speed, the joy of running.  Its a good book, also another good book is by John Stanton, Running from Start to Finish.

    XT means cross train (other than running do a choice of cycling, swimming, yoga, pilates, pool running, etc.) or Walk on your XT days. Its your choice.  If you can't run without stopping, by all means, take a 30 second break and resume running again.

    Here are some tips:

    Join a running club, really helps with motivation and you learn alot from other runners.

    Make sure you buy proper running shoes (go to a running store and have them fit you by checking your foot type, gait, under/over pronation, etc.  This is really important, proper shoes help prevent some injuries.

    Write a running journal, you can look back and see how much youv'e progress over time.  Record your distance/time/how you felt/what your ate - what agrees with your stomach/whatever....

    Runner's World is a good website/magazine, keep referring back for information.

    You are going to expect some sore muscles/shins, etc.  If you do, after your run, get a soft ice pack and put on sore muscles (gently rub back and forth) for 10-15 minutes, 3X/day.  Take advil if necessary.  This will help reduce soreness and inflamation.

    Take rest days, they are important for muscles to repair and restore.

    Good luck and happy running:)

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