
Is this safe, and will I get charged again for stuff I don't want?

by  |  earlier

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I have a credit card, and my credit card company states on their website that if I enroll in their credit monitoring program that protects you against fraud, i will receive a free credit report and score. I'll get charged after the free 30-day trial, but it states that I can cancel at any time. Is this a good idea? I don't want to be charged for any extras besides the credit monitoring program.




  1. How much is the service?  What all do they offer?

    I have used Truecredit, a product of Transunion and I am very pleased.

    You can check your credit report daily if you wish.

    They even give you scores.  The scores are FAKE-O of course.

    You can check scores daily too.  I find that they are way off from FICO scores, but none the less, a decent guide to let you see if you're going up or down.

    I get email updates within 24 hrs of any activity on my reports.

    The cost is 14.95 per month, cancel at any time.

    Shop around.

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