
Is this safe bedding for a female hamster and her newborns?

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I'm going to breed my hamster in about a week. I just saw this new stuff at the pet store and was wondering if it would be okay to give it to her as extra nesting material? Or should I stick to plain old toilet paper and Carefresh?

And don't say stuff like "If you were responsible and knew how to breed you'd already know this! Don't breed them!"

Because regardless I'm going to breed them and I just have a question so thanks!




  1. No - that stuff does NOT look suitable.

    Carefresh is good for bedding (i.e. on the floor) but the hamster also needs a nesting material. This may be toilet roll, or paper wool (aka safe bedding) like this:

    Basically, shredded paper based nesting material is best.

    The fluffy cotton-wool type ones are not. The thin fobres can get tangled around a pinkies tiny limbs or even throat and cause serious injury (i.e. losing limbs!) or even death. It is extremely dangerous.

    On a side note I hope you are asking these questions and doing your research BEFORE you start breeding, and not already housing a litter on this bedding?

  2. Go to the local pet store or library and look for a book on the subject.

  3. Our hammy LOVED that stuff.  It is safe.  We also would give him squares of paper towels and he'd shred them up (toilet paper sticks in the cheeks.  :)

  4. I'm not entirely sure but be careful because the mother might eat them...

  5. it doesn't matter what bedding u give thim they won't get hurt!and thats not bedding it's really a cotten type thing the they just chew up it's no good.

  6. This new bedding sounds like a great idea for your hamster. It sounds like you have put a lot of research into this breeding thing. It is definitely fair enough to ask people not to criticize you. Another tip which is useful:

    Don't use a barred cage with multiple levels because the mother may carry the baby up and drop it through the wires.

    Heres a site i found very useful!

  7. I have not tried it yet. I am still loyal to the good old carefresh and plain old toilet paper routine :-) and have had no problems whatsoever with this routine in so many years of my having hamsters as pets. And my opinion would be if your hamster is used to her old bedding, do not change it especially at the time of her breeding and pregnancy as she might take time to get used to it.

    Of course anything that looks like cotton or with a thready texture is a definite no for hamsters since it can result in "hairball" condition when they ingest it and cause suffocation. Also the pups when born can get entangled in the threads.

  8. If I were you I wouldnt use that bedding because it can cut off circulation if caught around leg. Dont use aspen or pine you probably already know this. So i would stick to what you have or toilet paper and carefresh. Those two are the best.

    Good luck!

  9. hamsters love stuff that they can keep warm in.

    paper towels, those lil wood chip things, TP, newspaper.

    try giving her like the stuff from an old pillow.

    its cheaper.

    & they love it.

    also do not touch them right away bcuz she will kill them &

    make sure the male is in another cage cuz he will eat them as well.

  10. I wouldn't use it for bedding, the fibers are so fine they could get wrapped around a toe or limb, and cut off circulation. Carefresh is the best stuff around,IMHO!

  11. For anyone who thinks they need to say not to breed them why dont you go tell the people that are breeding cats and dogs to stop they are the animals that are most over populated and its her choice to breed them not yours i use carefresh and paper towels or unscented tp dont use cotten it can wrap around them and kill them or make them loose limbs and no newspaper the ink can hurt them



  13. um...idk.

    because my friends hampster had babies and they got sick from dirty bedding, and died=/

  14. "Because regardless I'm going to breed them and I just have a question so thanks!"

    Well, aren't /you/ just the responsible pet owner?

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