
Is this safe please read and if you know answer

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i made alcohol and in need to know it is safe. i used yeast and sugar and kept everything air tight. i have herd roomers of it being posible to go blind from doing it wrong so is there anything else i have to do and will i be safe if i drink it




  1. It is absolutely safe. The 'you'll go blind' idea comes from the fact that if you drink methanol and some other products of distillation you will go blind. What you made is the most basic alcoholic beverage there is. In addition, the yeast probably made an environment that was not conducive to any other microbiological growth which makes this beverage even safer. Now the bad news, if you truly kept everything air tight, there will be minimal alcohol production. Yeast does not need oxygen to grow, but as more and more CO2 is produced through fermentation the CO2, if it has now where to go because the container is air tight, will begin to saturate the liquid and essentially suffocate the yeast. Also, if you sugar content was too high you will find that the yeast would not be able to grow and again you would have no alcohol production. Hope this helps.  

  2. I really doubt that the alcohol content is high enough if you used yeast.  the  solution will taste absolutely horrible and there are other byproducts of fermentation beyond alcohol.  

    The yeast would die if the alcohol content was high enough to cause you harm.  But seriously you have no idea if the containers were sterile.  There are lots of bacteria even in "clean" containers that would thrive on the sugars.  

    I would not try it.....

  3. How did you distill it?

  4. I take it you made like a home made wine.  It takes like anywhere from 21 days to 3 months, depending on the fruit used.  When the yeast has eaten all the sugar it will convert it to alcohol.  When it is safe to drink is when the sediments are at the bottom of the container, and the liquid is clear and free of any bad smells.  I really need more details, but I hope this helps.

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