
Is this sauce suitable for freezing?

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I've just made an improvised sauce containing chicken stock and creme fraiche with soya sauce and the usual spices. Is this sauce ok for freezing, and if so, how long for and should I let it cool/refridgerate beforehand?

Thanks in advance!





  1. fridge till its completely cold than put it in a freezer bag squeeze all the air out seal it up and put in the freezer.

  2. It should be okay... before hand u want it at less room temp or w.e  your fredige is set at

  3. It'll freeze but over time it  might separate.  

  4. It will freeze, but it may split.

    Let it cool, then refrigerate until cold, then freeze.

  5. I'm never very keen on freezing things with dairy products in them, but then again ice cream seems to work OK.

    I'd just let it cool until it is tepid, and slam it in the freezer. When you defrost it it is not going to kill you, it just might taste a little different.

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