
Is this sentence CUT justified?

by Guest21221  |  earlier

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Ex-US marine David Bieber was convicted of the murder of PC Broadhurst. Bieber shot the PC in the head as he lay on the ground having previously been wounded by him. The three Appeal Court Judges stated that "horrifying though the crime was" it did not justify a whole-life sentence

Is it now time to get rid of the Human Rights Act that allows such things to happen?




  1. he should have got off,the police always do.

  2. Well that just about says it all doesn't it!

    Lets let Rambo out the nice social worker says he OK now!

    In his own country it would be the electric chair

  3. now now let's not be hasty. That poor man probably feels very bad about what he did. I think a stern talking to should set him straight. They need to look him in the eye and say "now was that the right thing to do?!"

  4. No sentence cut is justified if you ask me.  The family of PC Broadhurst won't have the option of seeing their loved one free in a shorter space of time.

    This is another example of the lack of realism in the Courts system today and another example of the twisting of the human rights act.

    If we had less human rights issues and more emphasis on the victims of crime (including their families who also suffer) then the world would be a better place for the other members of society that need protecting from these kinds of people.

    As it is, we're too scared of upsetting people who have wronged us and those that think everyone should be treated with kid gloves.  What we have to bear in mind though is that the majority of those 'do gooders' who spout on about the human rights act and civil liberties don't have to deal with some of the violent scum that the Police do.

    The human rights act was a good idea when it was implemented but its been twisted way out of shape now to fit the criminals.

  5. I remember that case well.! Prior to that horrendously cowardly offence, he also cold bloodlessly murdered a friend and fellow weightlifter in America. It's time those useless, stupid judges got retired and were replaced with ones that dished out the deserved retribution.! Nothing is more cowardly than a trained former marine shooting an unarmed British police officer who was just carrying out his duty.! It was an inexcusable crime of unprovoked violence,! He didn't just shoot the officer, he pursued the wounded victim into the street and finished him off, ignoring his passionate pleas for help. He's lucky the swat team that cornered him showed more mercy than he did. This vile excuse for a US marine, a respected force with a brave history and tradition where many fine people sacrificed their lives for our freedoms, is lucky we didn't extradite him  back to America , where he would fare much worse for his crime there.! He definitely should receive the same leniency and mercy he showed his victims, NONE.!

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