
Is this serious enough to report..?

by  |  earlier

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Today in the afternoon, I was walking to my friends place which is only like 10 minutes away. As I was getting out of the neighborhood, I notice a white truck & the guy in it staring at me. He drove off, but a few minutes later I saw the truck parked near me. I just started walking faster just to be safe. Then, later on, the same truck slowed down next to me, and asked where i was going & if I wanted a lift. I toId him im fine, and he just drove off.

Im really freaked out about this because usually gardeners just do nasty kissy faces or stuff, but they never slowed down like this guy. I took the last 3 digits of the license just in case. Is this serious enough to report this guy or am i just being paranoid.?




  1. h**l YES!!! Report it immediately.

    You never know who's been accosted by this perv other than you. And if he's taking it this far, he's bound to go further.

    Help save someone from being a victim by reporting it to the police.

    Most departments have non-emergency numbers where you can report criminal activity over the phone. Be proactive in your community by helping out.

    The police need you just as much as you need them!

  2. Yes.  Think about may be smart enough to get away but somebody else might not.  Next time you're out walking, have your cell phone ready and let him see that you'll use it.  Or get a whistle.  Whatever you do to keep yourself safe, you'll probably keep others safe too by reporting it right away.  Write down anything about him or his vehicle so that you can give the police all of the information.

  3. Report him.You don't know he may be stalking you.and always walk with a friend just in case.

  4. You should report it as a suspicious vehicle.  If you see it again, try to get the complete license plate and by that they can probably find him.  Also try to get an accurate description of him and anything else you can remember.  It is very inappropriate for someone to be doing that and he is most likely up to no good and you are very lucky for getting away from him.  He could be someone that the police are even looking for.  The more you can obtain and remember, the better.  It could end up an entirely different situation for someone else!  Be safe!

  5. Given the behavior that I mentioned, yes, I would consider filing an incident report at your local station.  What you describe fits a pattern of what is known as 'luring', and can be a sign of a possible sexual predator.  

    By going to the police, they can keep an eye out for the truck and any suspicious behavior of the driver.

  6. Yes, you should file a report. The incident would most likely be classified as suspicious activity or something to that effect. However, it it could accomplish a couple of different things. First, it will start a profile for the police to work with, it would give the police a vehicle to be aware of and watch for. Secondly, you don't know if this guy has been reported in the past for the same type of situation. If he has, maybe the last caller only remembered the first few digits of the license number. Third, If the guy has been reported prior the police have the heads up and now know a potential serious problem exists.

  7. Yes,

    before ya get kidnapped.

  8. Report it!  

  9. If it freaks you out, then you should report it.  Just to be safe.  Plus the fact that he asked you where you were going, and if you needed a lift.  That sounds REALLY suspicious.  I think you should report it, your definitely not paranoid for thinking it.  

    Hope this helped!  :D

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