
Is this sexual abuse, i kno its not rape, but wat is it,?

by  |  earlier

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my ex bf wanted to have s*x, i said no i dont want to, and he told me i could ither give it up or he was goin to take it, he said either way i was gonna have s*x wit him, im 15 yrs old, i have been raped twice, i didnt want it to happen again, then he trie to force himself on me, i sid no again, he said it was my falt b/c i was hot so therefor i teased him, he said now have s*x wit me, or im bein serious imma do it no matter wat u say, i didnt want raped so i did it, even th i didnt want to,wat would that be, or does that make me a s**t b/c i did it, im so confused, and thats all i can think bout, i mean like i have nightmares about it, can u guys please help me, i dont kno wat to do or think, please no mean answers, thanx




  1. Look sweety your current situation is very horrible. I highly suggest you go tell your parents and go WITH them to the cops. Give every information possible. Before anyone or anything comes your safety and well being. Once you've reported your BF try thinking about counseling to get your mind free from your past. I also suggest to make yourself feel stronger and more confident try taking up some type of martial arts classes. I've known a few people with ur situation and they tried it out. I wish you all the luck in the world.

    God bless

  2. That is Rape You have the right to go to the police.

    Sometimes u need to say no.

    Sometimes a relationship can go very well.But sometimes it must end in a tragic way.

  3. Actually that was rape.

    Please go to the police or tell somebody! Dump him as well.


  4. It's rape, if you did it just because he was trying to force you, it's rape. He raped you. Call the police.

  5. that boy needs to go to jail and be someone elses B*tch.

  6. that's a date rape. a date rape is when you get raped by a guy you know who forces you into it. he basically threatened you and pushed you into it. you said no and he should have stopped right there. you said you did it because you didnt want to be raped again but all that just sounds like you dont want the rep or to have the conscience of knowing you got raped again. but no matter what, deep down, you know that you did get raped because you didnt want to do it. i mean, if you're having nightmares and feeling so bad about it, it's because you know you didnt' want it.

    dont let him get away with it. you're not a s**t. you were taken advantage of. i hope you've reported the two other times you've been raped before and after being raped, the absolute best thing to do would be to learn from it and not let it EVER happen again.

    stuff like that can ruin a person's life or traumatize them.

    the best thing to do right now is to tell your parents. they'll know how to handle it and they're the people you can truly trust that will make sure it never happens again.

    dont let yourself be taken advantage of and DONT LET THE GUY GET AWAY WITH IT.

    because by doing so, you're letting him off the hook. you're saying that it was okay for him to do it and hes just gonna keep doing it. either to you, or to some other poor girl.

    YOU can stop that. do it for your conscience and self respect. you dont deserve to ever be treated by a guy like that.

  7. Rape. You need to go speak to the police. If not that, atleast go to an adult you trust (teacher, counselor, family friend)

  8. Could be.  

    Sorry about your past.  

    **Easier said than done, but**

    Try to stay out of dangerous situations!

  9. give him a tight slap .. leave him ... if he likes u then he couldnt force u .... if he again try to do it complaint to ur parents...

  10. Either way he raped you, and both choices he told you, both lead to rape.

    So he just took advantage of you again, please contact the police, tell an adults, tell your parents, tell his parents, and warn everybody of him. Please don't waste time, listen to all these people telling you to call the police and contact an adult, do it now!!

  11. no means no! you should file charges and put the guy in jail. he needs to be taught a lesson.

  12. i agree u have been raped.. i reckon u need counseling to help you get past it & realise why u let this stupid guy walk all over you.. you have to learn to be assertive & its okay to say no & stand up for yourself, even if ur scared u have rights, u have a choice & u have to take care of yourself..

    don't have s*x for a while, try taking up self-defense classes so u can feel good about your body again & realise u can use your body to protect yourself.. it will get your self-confidence up girl!!!

    people have to earn your trust, dont let anyone into your personal space unless they have your trust 100%

    by the way, it think it best you talk to a counsellor coz i know it will be tough if u try talk to your friends.. some people dont understand & they'll try to judge you, but you don't listen to them, talk to your counsellor who u can trust with this information.. listen to what everyone is saying DONT let this jerk get away with it go to police with your story!! yes, you'll have to go to the police station & tell them your story, you have to be brave be strong & do it girl, get yourself some justice or you will regret it so bad he is still out there walking free to do it to somebody else!!

    you are NOT a 5lut, w***e or b1tc4 girl.. what happened to you wasn't your fault.. that jerk tricked you & you have to forgive yourself so u can move on..

    one day you will open your heart up again & meet a great guy who will respect you & who u can trust & he will treat you the way you deserve to be treated, like a princess.. you are a princess, you are god's princess & whoever you let into your kingdom is up to you!!

    Bless you girl!!

  13. that is rape and you need to seek authority immediately.  please see the police for your sake and for the other potential girls out there that he could be praying on in the future.  you wouldn't want what happened to you to happen to someone else do you? do what your conscience says.

  14. Girl, you got raped. You said no multiple times but he did it anyway. Please tell an adult. Good luck.

    rape = to force someone to engage in unwanted sexual activities.

  15. Tell your father and big bro because they could kick some butt.  I am an elder sis and would hunt him down!

  16. Well if you just went along with it no one would consider it sexual abuse.

    He's not going to get in trouble for that.


    She even SAID she did it. He didn't force himself inside of her or anything of the sort, she went along with it. Whether he was forcing her or not, she never said he took off her clothes or forced himself into her. She even says it wasn't rape. I think any person with half a brain knows what rape is. so he won't be charged for rape unless they do a rape kit on her and find proof that he raped her.

  17. You didn't want to do it, you were forced into it so yes it's rape. you need to tell someone and go to tthe police. i know it's easier said than done but you cant let him get away with treating you that way. also in the future you may want to think about councilling believe i know from experience that it helps so much. hope everything works out fot you hunni.

  18. its rape. cuz u didnt want to and he forced you to do it even thou u didnt want to. just bc he didnt beat ur as$ doesnt mean it nt rape. its Rape. tell the cops.

  19. Do with him so he will not do that with another girl

  20. Hey dear, it is obvious that you are raped because as per European Law if a girl, either willfully or forcefully engaged in s*x before the age of 16 (In India this age is 18) is supposed to be raped and the boy will be punished accordingly. So, not only as per your emotions but legally also, you are raped. I suggest you to reveal everything to your parents and I am sure they will take you out of this problem.

  21. go see a counsellor, your not a s**t he should never have forced you, your best bet isd to put boy friends on hold and just be a kid

  22. I'm no lawyer, but here is my take on it and how the appropriate authorities should react to it. Your ex basically said he wanted to s*x with you and that you didn't have a decision in the matter. It doesn't matter if you're hot, its not your fault. It is his fault for not being able to control himself and his urges. The fact you gave in does not mean consent, it means you were succumbing to your fears of getting raped (again) and that you wanted it to be a less painful memory than the previous experiences. If you're having nightmares about it, then I'd say you definitely forced into doing a sexual act without your consent. I just want to stress this again, it is NOT your fault that you are beautiful. Do not blame yourself and do no demean yourself because he said its your fault. I recommend that you go to your parents or the authorities and report it. Ultimately, however, it is your decision of whether or not you want to report him.

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