
Is this sexual harassment..? ?

by  |  earlier

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I had a job interview at a retail store (and i really needed a job!!), so when i was told that i got the job i was happy and excited! The manager told me that i start in 2 days and to come 10min early. So when i got there, the manager told me to step in his office. His exact words was "sue wasn't going to hire you, but i hired you because im attracted to you. but i don't know if your going to be right for the job because since i like you so much, its going to be favoritism. and im just going to let you do whatever you want. i need you to prove to me your right for the job.".. i started feeling a little uncomfortable when i saw him glaring at my chest. than he proceeded to ask me these questions:

1. do i know im s**y, and do i think im s**y

2. can he have a hug

3. can i stand so he can see my body.

when i did not comply or answer him, he than told me that im not getting the job. he said if i couldn't listen to him when he said give him a hug, how could i listen to him if he say these shirts belong over there.

i just want to know was this sexual harassment?.. what kind of measures should i and can i take?.. and do you think im stupid for not giving him the stupid hug (now im jobless) :(




  1. Yes it is. You can contact the police about this and file a report. Is there a sexual harassment advocacy center near you? You can probably google "woman's advocacy center (and the name of the place where you live)" to find out. The people there can help you go through all of the steps you need to take to file a report. They can also give you counseling sessions if you feel that you need it.

    Hope this helps!

    I like your name, by the way :)

  2. if this really happened then yes it is

  3. Nice try.... if this truly happened, you wouldn't have to be asking if this is sexual harrassment unless you were a complete idiot.  Thanks for the points.  

  4. It is Harassment  If it starts on day one,  you really have no rights to complain because you do not what your getting yourself into.  If you take the job,  now that there is a record (internet posting) that your aware of his actions, by you taking the job is condoning it.  

  5. If he did ask you and say these things than it is obviously sexual harassment.

  6. absolutely

  7. Yes, that's sexual harassment, and no, you should definitely NOT hug him. creep! he'd expect more later!

    How much you can do is limited because if you weren't really hired, he wasn't actually your boss - in a sense, he's closer to a random guy on the street being a jerk. Which is annoying, but not a crime.

    If you know who this "Sue" is that he's talking about, I would suggest getting in touch with her and politely explaining what happened. If nothing else, it'll warn her that her manager is a jerk and explain why they may have trouble keeping employees at this store!

    With guys like this, they get away with it because most people don't report them, so when one person finally does report it, they're usually not believed or told that it must not be so bad if other people haven't complained. Therefore, don't necessarily expect anything to happen because of your complaint - but get your complaint on record so that if he does it again, the next girl will have your story to back her up.

  8. Anything that makes you feel uncomfortable sexually, including stupid and unwanted advances, qualifies as sexual harassment.  **** that job, you can get one better.  It could start as a hug and can move on to worse things. If you wanted to, you can put it on your next application and have a good "don't hire me if you aren't serious" story.  

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