
Is this sexual harrasment?

by  |  earlier

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So I was reading cosmopolitan yesterday and there was this article called " Package test" or something like that and it was like a guide to how a woman can find out the size of a man's package. It showed you how to pretend like you were reading and then sneak a peek and there was even a feel test where you like accidently touch it lol so I was reading this and I was like what the h**l what if a man wanted to do that to a woman wouldn't he get in trouble???is that sexual harrasment?




  1. Double standards are common.

  2. yeah but men and women are differnet...males mistreated women for years....and made it obvious so woman are alowed since when they abuse men they don't make it so obvious that everytone realise

  3. number one, be safe and a lady and keep your hands to your self...don't believe everything you read and don't judge a book or package by its cover.....go a head and try to look, but don't get caught.....kind of  

  4. Guess I will have to read my Cosmopolitan and see for myself and what jumps out at me it sounds like sexual harassment to me.

  5. yeah. if you make contact can definitly be persued as harassment. looking too if your very open and blatent about it but is les likrly to be reported as such. if he pressed charges i would sue cosmo for making it sem ok

  6. Are you looking to get offended or something?

  7. yup

    answer mine:

  8. i would say so  

  9. Hm...that's an interesting question! Well, I don't know, but it sounds kinda desperate.

  10. It is but the guy most likely wouldn't view it as such. But he'd think the girl was pretty desperate and would expect s*x from her though.

  11. how could a man do this to a woman? LOL. Anything a man wants to see how big it is will be visible outside the shirt too.

    It is sexual harassment, but nobdoy would care.

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