So, my roommate and I have come to what's supposed to be a FWB level. It's been about 5/6 months since this has started. I help him tons taking care of his son, housework, etc......And not a day passes that he doesn't thank me repeatedly & let me know how much he appreciates me & my help.
However, he often makes it clear that since his last GF left him high & dry he doesn't want a relationship. And often tells me about cute girls he saw - or that were flirting with him, etc....
Yet, as the situation between us goes........
The 3 of us share a bed every night. He plays 'footsie' w/ me at most every moment he can. He includes me in his family events (i.e. holidays, bdays, dinner w/ his parents, or just lending a helping hand). We go out to dinner & movies a lot. He's often flirty in public. He "brushes" my hand w/ his in public & while driving...but has never acutally 'held' my hand. He just lays around & cuddles w/ me a lot. When sleeping he'll caress my arm or head...and sometimes, he'll hold my hand while we lay there and/or sleep.
He has said such things as : "We kind of have a shadow relationship"
When someone brought the "LOVE" subject up he said that: "(he's) not "in love" w/ me..that he has a "strong appreciation" for me...but that 'love' takes time to earn..or else it's just puppy love & (he's) too old for that kind of stuff"
That he doesn't want "s*x to muddle our relationship..because his heart doesn't know what it wants.......and his 'internal compass' is going crazy"
I mean, to me there are things he does that make me think he has more than just friend feelings; but can't admit them to me. Perhaps even to himself. But other times I just think - I guess this is the way FWB are supposed to be...????
I know he got hurt really bad & he's scared that it'll happen again. But also....I don't want to get hurt. I certainly don't want his son to get hurt .
I was just looking for a third party opinion of what they thought, given the few examples I listed off.