
Is this sinful in a relationship?

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I am currently in a relationship with an amazing guy. We are both Christians and love God (in fact his dad is the pastor at my church.) We are also both very much in love with each other. We have both promised to wait for each other and remain pure until marriage. We both promised to God and I know that I am not going back on that. However, is it sinful to kiss and hug each other tightly? He puts his arm around me and hugs me close and we have kissed. Is this sinful? Please let me know what you think.




  1. Well, maybe.

    Many who answer will not have any Idea what it is to be a Christian.

    I would say that it is dangerous at least. The sexual urge in humans is very strong. Emotions can control your actions. Especially if you find yourself in this situation often- familiarity breeds  compromise and lowers any safety net you may have set up.

    How old are you?

    Why don't you just go ahead and marry?

  2. You're going to h**l - love is not allowed in the christian faith, only paranoia and fear is allowed.

    Hint hint, I'm being sarcastic.

    It really sounds like your interpretation of love and faith is just as mixed up as it is for millions of others, because you follow religion blindly.

  3. Not at all.  

  4. I think this religion thing has gotten out of control.

  5. How is that out of control? Staying pure means not having s*x right? Well as long as you're not doing that you can squeeze and kiss each other as much as you want!

  6. No, it's not sinful but you do have to be careful of how you do it. Trust me, when you're in love, it's natural to want to want to kiss, hug, and even make love with this person, it's natural and that's how God created us, BUT we must have self control over ourselves because we want to express our love in the right way. So avoid temptation like being alone together in places like a car, bedroom, house, anywhere that would set those passions and feelings to go to third base.

  7. of course not. Its sinful to sleep with someone before marriage though

    (most of the WORLD don't know that).

  8. You should marry soon honestly, if you want to keep your vows.  Kissing and hugging only satify you for so long, it is "powerfully natural" to want to keep going, and inevitably you will find yourself in a casual spot to go farther than you both want to at this time in your life.  Unless of course you are really young, then maybe you should just cool things off until you both get a little older.  But it isn't a sin to do what you are doing I think, but what happens next (outside of marriage) is.....

  9. Not knowing your ages, or your levels of commitment to each other, I couldn't say.  Consider what YAHOSHUA said about marriage.  Try in all things to do what is pleasing to Him.

  10. Wow, you show amazing restraint, I wish I had done that...

    I think it's fine to hug and kiss, as long as you don't actually have s*x

  11. no it is not sinful - god bless u both

  12. Heavens no... there's nothing wrong with it if both of you are comfortable with it.

  13. No, it's not a sin. You just have to be careful that you maintain proper boundaries. Like don't be alone together and do that stuff and open the door to temptation to take you further.

  14. First, my point of view, i don't believe in sin.  But, i acknowledge your background, and understand you want to wait.  I would imagine, from my understanding of christianity, that as long as the kisses aren't MAKE OUT kissing, anything that can be described by the following expressions:

    Sucking face


    tasting eachother's tonsils

    Then you are ok.  Kissing eachother on the lips, closed mouth, I would imagine should be fine.  Its a expression of affection, not sexual desire.

    And hugging, well, that's the most purest form of expressing affection there is.  There is nothing wrong with hugging, as long as it doesn't lead to one or the other humping the other's leg.  Excuse my vulgarity.

    I think as long as there is no sexual intent behind what either of you do, its fine.

    Again however, i personally do not agree this, but I will say this: if and when you get married, that first wedding night, make sure you have a fire extinguisher nearby ;-)

    EDIT: Fixed a major typo

  15. Sin is in the mind. It's your mind. Act accordingly!

  16. that relationship is everything but sinful

  17. No I don't think what you are doing is sinful. Whata you ve done is make a choice not to do anything else until marriage and I compliment you on that. Its not that the thought of doing something more wont come into your mind . it probably will, but it is your choice not to act on it that is the promise youve made to God.

  18. No, it is not sinful.  And let me add that you are doing something that is only going to strengthen your relationship with him.  You two waiting until married gives you a good chance to know each other without the confusion of s*x in the midst.  Too many people confuse sexual love with true love, and I find it refreshing that you two have made such an honorable decision.

  19. not unless you are shakers...

    really God does not want us to be afraid to touch other people you need to find a new church

  20. No!!!!!

    No No No!

    I should hope we are allowed to show our affection with eachother.


    Don't worry about it.

    I totally respect your belief!

    I am doing the same thing when i find my perfect someone.

    And i think its really ok for you to do that.

    You love eachother.

    God will respect you SO much for waiting, and kissing and hugging isn't horrible.

    Please don't ever think that its wrong!



  21. dude...(I call everyone dude)

    if u know what ya doin, dont bother about what the #ell ppl think abt..

    and abt religion, what wemade for ourselves to be in an order, is religion..its not like.. god came and made some orders to be like that...;)

  22. Pure? Baby if you don't use what your given, it'll rot away like a mouldy spuds. Stuff purity! Get down and doooo et!

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