
Is this site accurate? Please answer. Important.?

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"The gestation period differs for each breed of dogs and odorless vaginal discharge in the last two weeks of pregnancy is an indication that it is time to puppy foods that are higher in calories and protein for the mother."

Is that information accurate. My dog's due date was estimated. Could it be that we astimated 4 days wrong? My dog is having a clear, odorless discharge, could it be that she has 2 weeks to go?




  1. Once bred the sperm if viable for 7 days in the female so yes it's hard to know exact without a special test. On average gestation is 58-67 days 58 is being born too early and pups may die or have issues on 69 you need to schedule vet care. The reason they say different for breed it's more the litter size that can change duration

    If your really wanting to have a heads you on when you can take her temp. Use a rectal thermometer and take temp every 12 hrs ( should be 101.0-102.0)once it drops for two temp takings to around 97 pups are on their way.

  2. The punctuation and the structure of the sentence doesnt even make any sence!

    Call your vet for accurate information.

  3. sounds correct, just search different sites as well just to double check

  4. yes, its possible, she has 2 more weeks to go:

    pregnancy in dogs is between:60-63 days

    clear discharge:don't be scared!

    let her take it easy.The signs of labour:she will refuse to eat her favourite food if she will go into labour in24hours.

    starts to search for a "nest" start to dig, scratch the floor, her blanket, shove it with her nose from one corner to another.

    starts to pant(a lot)

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