
Is this site for real? Ninja swords,throwing knives, tazers etc?

by Guest34465  |  earlier

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ok I found this site.

Is it for real? I mean can you really buy the **** there and get it? It's do dangerous! Tazers, real knives, huge swords and stuff? I know some friends that could get those and actually use them in the street because they're in gangs and stuff! How easy could it be brought to Canada? I hope this is a joke lol.




  1. thats one of many sites and stores that sell that stuff.  usually its the cheaply made stuff that people buy.  unsharpened, poor quality metals, just for looks type of stuff.  BUT there are shops that carry replicas, authentic replicas, that are as real as it gets.  Just think about a martial arts supply store.  you can get honest to goodness stores from them so why wouldnt you be able to get them at other places.  if its metal it can be made sharp...correct? check out for a quality example.  

  2. It's not like they're selling guns or anything. Of course they can do it. Most of it's just cheap display replicas. They're not selling air tasers so it's ok.

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