
Is this site is censored????

by  |  earlier

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why is it that when you answer a question sometimes you get a message saying that the site is taking a breather and your answer disappears. I can understand if there was foul language etc. used, but I was trying to answer a political question. I take it that the people who censor the site do not allow answers if it is not in line with their views on politics.




  1. Yes it's concept of freedom of speech is extremely limited.

  2. Yes, some of my questions don't even get to see daylight before they are removed. Then again I suppose I ask for it. LOL

  3. No.

    Don't think so.

    With Mr. Big Brother.

    It's on auto.

    With filing and storage.

    Sometime it read input "Out of service"

    With " It does not compute"

    Pass and miss one turn.

    Luke 8.10,17

    What do you think?

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