
Is this so wrong???

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OK...over the last few months, I have become "obsessed" with female vegans/vegeterians. My brother thinks I am crazy, but I just love everything about them. The way they smell, their intense belief system, their obvious love of animals, which in itself is a turn on, and their physical, intellectual, spiritual and emotional beauty. Plus...ahem...they taste so good. Anyway...I have even become aroused just reading the Yahoo answers section that is dedicated to this wonderful lifestyle. My friends, my brother, my co-workers, they all think I am crazy...Is this attitude wrong?? I just find women that live this lifestyle to be intelligent and beautiful.




  1. Its not wrong. It's your fetish. ^_^ I wouldn't blame you either, shouldn't everyone love people who are all around nice & loving. And yes when you don't eat meat your "private place" tastes different. It's your fetish, it's a sexual turn on that's not common with majority of people. But, everyone has a fetish, so it is natural! Don't worry about it ^_^! find youself a good vegan/vegetarian women!

  2. What ever style and taste of a woman you like! Don't listen to your friends.. They can't tell you who to love! :-)

  3. Yep, you're crazy. Leaving aside any issues with the Vegan lifestyle itself, what you're describing is a fetish. And while a fetish may be harmless, it's still aberrant behaviour to a certain extent.

  4. nothing wrong with it.

    maybe you should even thing about becoming a vegan. you'll get more dates with vegan women that way.

    btw. veg*n girls do taste better.

  5. it's a little weird but i don't see anything crazy abiut it :|

  6. Oh c**p.

    The 'joke' wasn't particularly funny in the first place - it's wearing very thin now.

    Boring. Even your contacts haven't bothered to come over and star and answer this one.

  7. pupupleease your going to make me pook here...blah

    there is nothing wrong with meat lovers we shower too....its all good that you like the veggie peeps..BUT COME ON cant survive on carrots alone...geez

    get a grip here...Snap out of it.....smell the beefy Tacos ...yum

    are you eating the veggie ladies??? then its all good

  8. Any all consuming obsession is wrong.  Sexual or otherwise.

  9. as a vegan myself, i would'nt say it's SO weird,

    but it's kinda different i guess.

    and saying "they taste good".....

    thats kinda weird.

  10. You must think we are very stupid.

    I can't speak for anyone else here, but I am not.

  11. Well that sorta makes sense cause who doesn't like a women who is kind and intelligent and passionate? But you are a bit obsessed.

  12. Your brother sounds like a very smart guy, Michael! Can he be my brother instead? You are not listening to him anyhow. But for them all to  call you crazy is a NOT right, you are completely INSANE.

  13. Most vegetarians are women. In Britain, a person is doubly likely to suffer from vegetarianism if he is female. Part of the reason for this is that women like the taste of meat less than men. This stems from the fact that women have inherited the instincts of gatherers and men those of hunters. In all hunter-gatherer societies today, however, women prize meat. They love meat, just not quite as much as men do. The greater reason, I believe, is that women use vegetarianism to test men. By requiring men to deny themselves pleasure, they test the resolve of the men, and their loyalty. It is a very effective test of loyalty. The proof of this is that the VAST majority of men who succumb to vegetarianism (I’m afraid I have lost the figures, which weren’t 100% reliable anyway, because the accurate comprehensive study of this has not be done - it would cost a fortune, and no one needs to know that much) either have vegetarian sexual partners, or are trying to get some. Just as tellingly, when men split up from their veggie girlfriends, they near invariably start enjoying meat again. This goes to prove amongst other things that men really will do ANYTHING for s*x.

    Of course, some men do stay vegetarian for many years, even if they are without a girlfriend. A man who has been a veggie for many years has proof of his dedication to the god of plants, and will perhaps one day impress a chick with this loyalty. It is a long term strategy. To disprove this, you will have to find that there are many men who have been vegetarian for many years, and in that time have had large numbers of girlfriends, most of whom have not been vegetarian. Good luck.

  14. Well as of right now I think you a little too obsessed.... Some woman might find it a little creepy so lay off the obsession just a bit. Love a woman for who she is, not for what she eats.

  15. Thats awesome you think so highly of us...and that you care about our beliefs. Your a good guy.

  16. uhh.. that's a bit creepy.

  17. no, it is a sign of your intelligence.  :)

  18. Your a unique type of sexual predator know as a PETAphile.

  19. I dont think its wrong. As long as you find them intelligent and beautiful not just for their beauty but for their love for animals.

    Are you a vegetarian? Has this "obsession" caused you to become change your eating habits?

  20. oh no, perfectly normal!

    i could easily become a veggie except...........ummmm, certain meats certainly turn me on.........ummmmmm do you think mine could also be an obsession?  especially sausage ummmmm real big thick juicy sausage, ummmm could eat them all day!!


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