
Is this some sort of abuse ?

by  |  earlier

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im very concerned of my shape. okay. im not the "fattest chick"

in my world/school but i still would love

to be, well you know, perfect. '

i purge everytime im around my friends/parents.

i dont want them to think i skip meals to enhance my image.

how can i control the sudden purges ?

they certainly dont feel healthy and it certainly doesnt

make me feel any better afterwards.

its an overwhelming situation that i bury myself into.

all i do is lay around and think how mad i am at myself

for doing such an act.

i want to stop thinking like this.. my friends dont.. why should i ?

i want peace in my head.. for once.

how ?

am i hurting myself in the end ?




  1. Maybe your bulimec

    Of course your hurting yourself try to get help before it gets too serious.

    Try eating healthy so you at least know well this stuff ain't fattening but nutritious for me.

  2. At least you aren't binging and purging. You only purge because you had to eat to keep your personal stuff personal. Don't worry about it unless a) you get caught and everybody knows you have a problem or b) your health suffers or c) you get such a twisted self image or obsession with the number on the scale (or whatever happens) that you end up looking like those really really really sickly thin people that obviously have problems.

  3. The only kind of abuse this could be is self-abuse, but you are probably bulimic. However, the fact you only do it when around others is an unusual twist.

  4. I don't think you're going to be able to control the urges to purge without help.  Even though your not binging  it's still called Bulimia.  There is an anxiety that is going on when you're around friends/parents that is causing you to feel the need to purge.  You need to find the source of that anxiety before you can stop.

    You're not alone!!

    Best of luck

  5. HAVE YOU BEEN ABUSED??????????????

    It sounds like you are bulimic. I suffered from anorexia for 7 years. You need to get help and I think it is the hardest thing in the world asking for help and I always thought why is no one helping me or doing things to stop this. But in the end they helped and I went to rehab in patient programme that helped alot. maybe talk to a sister or a friend about it, they will help you. this is not normal and you need to treat this before it gets worse

  6. Just ignore those who tease you which I think that there aren't many, anyways just be you and don't care too much about how you look and go exercise then you'll feell better about yourself.

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