
Is this some sort of disorder?

by  |  earlier

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its only happened like six times in my life. I'm 16.

its really weird. i come home from school depressed or overwhelmed with my day. i feel really sleepy or physically weak, then i go to sleep. 3 or 5 hours later i wake up and everything is going really fast like i cant control it. my mom had recently witnessed it. they told me i had depression because they couldn't understand what i was talking about. they said it could have been an episode.

my mom said i ran out and started running into the walls, hitting things, and crying. i ran outside and the alarm went off, she grabbed me and made me sit down. i heard her talking to me. then finally i see her face, shes asking me whats wrong. i stop crying and look around. i didn't know what happened i just felt it. i only remember images, and voices.

does anyone know what happened to me? it almost happened again today, except i made sure i didn't go to sleep. please help me.




  1. sounds just like bi polar disorder to me, google it and let me now if they match what you are experencing

  2. The first thing you need to ask yourself is if you're under a lot of stress. If you are, you need to figure out a way to calm down. If you can't do it yourself, you need to see a child psychologist, NOT a psychiatrist. If the psychologist evaluates you and then refers you to see a psychiatrist, fine. Without knowing any of your history, I couldn't tell you anything about yourself.

    With what your mother has witnessed, I'm sure she'll be fine with getting you in to see a psychologist. Good luck.

  3. have you been taking aspirin?

    that could possibly have something to do with it, and have you ever had chicken pox? because the combination  of having chicken pox (without symptoms) and taking aspirin may result in this disorder that you need to address immediately.

    that is just an idea though, it could really be a great number of things so i think you should get it checked out

    good luck && hope you feel better <33  

  4. Why are you posting this on an international website?  Shouldn't you be going to see a doctor instead?


  6. i have somthing simmilar

    i think

    it a midlife

    crisis thingy watever it is

    dont worry

  7. You might be having seizures

    try this link

    You could have an underlying problem

    try this link.

  8. Thats creepy! I ahve no idea! Call or go to a doctor!

  9. anxiety attack?;...

  10. HULK SMASH!!!!!!!!

    Ya that's definitely not normal.

  11. Just think about giving Jesus Christ a chance and i promise you that everything will stop

  12. sounds like one funny episode. haha sorry. idk it could be stress related

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