
Is this someone you want running the country?

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Shortly after becoming mayor, former city officials and Wasilla residents said, Ms. Palin approached the town librarian about the possibility of banning some books, though she never followed through and it was unclear which books or passages were in question.




  1. She was also pregnant when she got married.

    They don't say anything because the campaign won't verify this.

    She got married August 29, 1988 and Track was born April 20, 1989.

  2. Everyone knows the New York times went way left and not all of their stories are factual now.

    I wouldn't want Obama leading my country, who would be in the Number One spot.  

  3. What do you expect from a Republican?  Ask her what's in those books that's she's afraid of.  I'm sure she has a website now that she's the candidate for VP.  Email her your question and see how she answers it.  

  4. I just want to respond to Honey, that ignoramus who asserted that Palin's eldest son was concieved out of wedlock--One, for a baby to be born eight months after conception is quite common, and the baby is normally not even considered premature. Two, even if the Palins, as two hot-blooded young people gave in to the temptation to violate their Christian principles regarding premarital s*x, that they immediately got married afterwards demonstrates--to my mind anyway--a certain maturity.  

  5. when it comes to fux noose they say if you don't like it change the Chanel but when it comes to books they say we cant make money off it so ban them.

  6. That'd be better than Obama.  The only book he would ban is the Bible.

  7. Running the country......lmmao

    Thanks for the laugh.

    She won't run the country.  All she is going to be is a tactic to get people to vote for McCain and only because she is a woman.  I vote Obama...from my point of view he can understand and socialize with 90% of Americans.  McCain is way off base.  Out with the old in with the new I say.

  8. So the left wingers hide conservative books in bookstores.

    the want the "FAIRNESS DOCTRINE" to silence free speech.

    Obama has tried to intimidate people that wrote books about him that he did not like.

    obama asked that reporters not make fun of his EARS!

    Face it some books should not be read by children.

    that is why movies are rated.

    that is why games are rated.

  9. Y E S ! ! !

    ALL Americans should READ Obama's Global Poverty Act (S.2433) ... He is wanting to give America's sovereignty over to the United Nations !!!

    Alaska Govermor Sarah Palin has MORE TOTAL political experience than Obama!!


  10. Yes, by far over your pal Obama!  

    The same Obama that is good friends with one of the most notorious terrorists in the US.

    Obama= disaster for the US, and the end of a great country!

  11. Scares me to death!!!

    Now, let's hire someone without experience that has promised a lot and has done nothing.

    What has Obama done to get our troops out of Iraq like he promised when he became senator?

    I gotta say "Obama's downfall" has the best answer.

  12. I have been amazed over time from some politicians...One of the first to get a good laugh from was Quayle and his potato(e) routine...course, there have been many. The BJ with Clinton, these past eight years with Bush jr...endless listing on this guy; and I never imagined an administration could be worse than Bush jrs.! Well, once again I've been proved wrong...

  13. I'm kind of tired of the crystal figurines in the Ivory Tower myself.

    It would be refreshing to have a strong middle class common everyday American with the same problems too many of us had raising our children.

    She isn't hiding anything and she is not making promises she can't keep.  That's real change.

    There is no plastic here.  She's for real.

  14. Liberals hide Michael Savage's books.

  15. Is that as bad as a party of "liberals" turning its back when as many as 75% of the women jailed in Pakistan are there because they were raped - and judged to be fornicators since rape is almost impossible to prove in courts following the laws of Mohammed.

    Why no Liberal outcry???? Is this Women's rights, Muslim style?

  16. She is a kook!

  17. These people dont want the truth.. Ignore the people on Answers because in the REAL world Obama is the frontrunner and will win by a significant margin

    (i feel thumbs down comin)

    John McCain killed his argument about Obama's "inexperience" when he picked Palin so that hurt his campaign even more. The reason Obama is what America needs is BECAUSE he hasnt been corrupted from years and years in government.

    McCain lacks the rhetorical abilities that Obama has. His speeches dont inspire anyone. He's old, rich, and cant empathize with 90% of Americans.

    Obama/Biden 08


    lol she is probably one of those concerned mom's wanting to ban harry potter or soemthing. Still hurts creativity. We don't need a farenheit 451 or 1984 going on in the U.S.A. for the next 4 years lol.

    I honestly like Huckabee a lot.  

  19. No, but not for that alone.

  20. nah.


  21. Most definitely, she will be perfect because she is so much like us..

  22. Yes I do

    McCain Palin WILL WIN in 08

    Obama's entire real world work resume. 145 days experience in the Senate with nothing to show for it, only 3 bills passed.  Zero military experience, Quick trip to Middle East, Never physically worked a hard day in his life……Barack Obama barely qualifies to work in a McDonalds. We wont even mention his devotion to extremist, radical and racist religious views for which he was ingrained and worshipped for the past twenty years.Two years as a lawyer and only 14 minor trials. And two years as a "community organizer" with nothing  accomplished.

  23. Yes

    I noticed you gave up calling yourself "patriotic italienne".  That charade was too much even for you, eh?

  24. No way. I should be able to read whatever I want.

  25. Yes I do.

    Rather her than a liberal like Obama.

    You seem to not be able to differentiate between inquiring about  doing something and actually doing it... its called research.

  26. The Difference between ObAMA & OsAMA is just a little B.S.

  27. It doesn't surprise me that a member of the religious right was inquiring about how to censor library books.  For a party who espouses individual responsibility, they certainly don't follow what they preach.  

    This is just another example of how Palin wants to subject her morals upon others.  I am sure Huck Finn and Fahrenheit 541 were prime contenders.

    She sounds like Big Brother to me.  Secure your copy of 1984 soon, just in case Palin gets into office.

  28. so what? she wasn't the first to censor. do you remember tipper gore's crusade in the 80's. her gang made it mandatory for record companies to put parental advisory stickers on all the record covers and it led to the thousand of music albums not being able to be sold at many stores. if it wasn't censorship then you can ask the musicians that flopped because of it.

    wait isn't she the wife of former vp al gore?... oh.. yeah she was.

  29. No,  

  30. Lmao, you Obots are pathetic

    Another wild accusation.  Maybe you would think her an acceptable candidate if she attended a racist church for 20 years

  31. You do know there are books out there that can tell you how to commit murders and not get caught, how to poison somebody, and all kinds of other books like that?

    Is this someone you want running the country?;

    Fact; Beyond all of the things that are said about him, his church, his associates, his experience, when you put all of that aside, you look at him as a person, you see him a politician that wants "change". One thing you cannot get around is what he votes, and he may vote "present" (which is congess' equilvalent to Undecided or No Opinion) 90% of the time he voted, one thing is clear, which is the votes that he voted "For" or "Against". He voted against the "Live Birth Protection Act", which is an act that protects newborns that survived the abortion, and that were born, even healthy, and stops the clinics from just leaving them in a room to die, Obama did not just vote against that bill once, but THREE TIMES!;

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