
Is this sort of strange?

by  |  earlier

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me and my boyfriend have been going out for almost 5months. [sept 8th will be 5months]. he was the first to say i love you. he usually says it on the phone. but sometimes he doesnt say it. he just says bye. should i be concerned that he doesnt say it all the time on the phone?

ps im 16 and hes 16. and i know that we shouldnt know what love is but look at the situation as if i was older please.




  1. Thats not strange and you shouldn't worry about it... you don't have to say "I love you" every time you get off the phone you should know by now that he loves you... if it worries you that much maybe you should talk to him about it... if you want to have a long relationship you should be able to talk about anything... Luck :D

  2. then he doesnt really love you since he doesnt always say it...did he first tell you when he was drunk or something and maybe now he feels obligated...since your questioning whether or not he loves you then its not love, probably just lust.

  3. You don't always have to say "I love you" when you get off the phone with one another.. It'll get old, fast.

  4. I wouldn't be too worried about it unless you know where he's at and with whom when he calls you.  I have been dating my boyfriend for over a year now and it is weird for me to say I love you when I am in the presence of anyone - especially my family.  If he can't say it to you in person that could be different.  

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