
Is this <span title="normal?????/?????????????????????\\\\\?">normal?????/?????????????...</span>

by  |  earlier

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sometimes when i sleep i wake up and im unable to move or breath and last night a spider was coming down at me from a web and i tried to move away from it and i couldnt is this normal i felt like i was gonna die!!!!

and also i have this weird thing where i have to do everything twice like if i bump my head i have to bump it again or if ive been in a room before i have to go in there twice

is this normal




  1. definatly not normal.... See a doctor....

    And not being able to move while a SPIDER is coming at you?? Woah!!! I&#039;m an arachnophobia so I can DEFinatly move if a spider comes at me so I dunno what to tell ya

  2. no it isn&#039;t normal,

    the two times thing may be attributed to obsessive compulsive disorder.

    the sleep issue, may be a dream, butyou should go get professional help with that.

  3. The sleeping thing is normal. It&#039;s called sleep paralysis.

  4. No its not normal thing .. i Advice you to goto doctor ....

  5. well too move or breath the brain send electric signals down to the muscle you want to move. maybe when you wake up your brain isn&#039;t powered enough yet to send those signals... since it also includes breathing i think you should ask a doctor to take a test on your brain functions and muscle functions

  6. I&#039;m not sure about the sleep thing, but you should probably see a psychiatrist to find out what&#039;s going on.

    As for having to do things twice, it sounds like you have OCD, but you don&#039;t really have to worry about it as long as it doesn&#039;t interfere too much with your life, many people have it.

    Best wishes!

  7. As all these people said, THIS IS NOT NORMAL

    if you have the urge to do something twice, you have to go see a doctor

    wat if you accidentally burned your arm



    see a doctor

    wish you alotta luck

  8. sounds like obsessive compulsive disorder, if you do stuff twice, the top question im not sure, ive never heard of temporary paralysis

    if you died, would you do it again? and another question, were you born twice?

  9. NO. You could have sleep Apnea. My grandma has that. it&#039;s easy to treat. You just have to go to a sleep doctor, and if you do  have it then the doctor will give you this tube that you put over your mouth to sleep with and you wont wake up because of the breathing anymore. And the thing about you being unable to move..... that once happened to me when I woke up. But just go to a physical doctor. its nothing seriuos

    As for the second thing... thats called OCD. Go to a phsycologist immediatly. It might not be to bad now, but if it doesn&#039;t get fixed, it could get out of hand.

    Hope I helped :)  

  10. Seems to me by your second paragraph you have some sort of obsessive disorder. I did the same thing, but now I stop my self. It&#039;s all in the mind, I don&#039;t believe you need medication for that (unless it&#039;s really really REALLY bad). Tell yourself that what your doing is not logical and will not improve your life a bit. In fact it can make your life miserable if you don&#039;t get a hold of it. As for the sleep thing, I have know idea about that, but someones likely to have some good answers.

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